
DNC leaders apologize to Bernie Sanders after WikiLeaks email dump

He said it was imperative to elect Clinton and her running mate, Virginia Sen.


Minnesota’s delegates prepared for the start of the Democratic National Convention on Monday with the same question in mind as political activists across the country: Can the party unite around Hillary Clinton for the presidency?

“To not be fair during this entire process, it’s kind of shameful”, delegate Sanjay Patel, a Sanders supporter from Brevard County said before she spoke at Florida delegation breakfast.

Throughout the campaign, Trump had said Sanders was being swept aside by a “rigged” system, but the brash billionaire accused Sanders of capitulating on Monday.

Cory Booker (D-N.J.) gave a paean to patriotism, before First Lady Michelle Obama took the stage for a stirring endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

About a year ago, her grassroots efforts for Bernie Sanders caught the attention of his campaign and she was asked to apply to be a delegate.

He said his brother will tell the convention why he ran and what he thinks the Democratic Party will become. If Bernie were the nominee, would you want the conservatives trying to nominate our vice president? “It has a choice”.

They suggest insiders tried to prevent Mr Sanders winning the democratic nomination. Even President Obama is reported to have been avoiding her whenever possible.

“We did receive an email from the campaign basically saying ‘let’s not engage in this type of behavior, let’s be better than that”, she said.

Polls released Monday showed Trump got a post-convention bump after his speech Thursday night.

“We owe an enormous debt to Bernie Sanders”, he said, adding that the Vermont senator’s “leadership on progressive issues, his willingness to stand up to the powers to be” have galvanized a grassroots movement that will last beyond November.


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have done their fair share of attacking one another whether it be on Twitter, in campaign ads or during their speeches, but it seems like Clinton may have had a change of heart. “People are very willing to say things about me, to make accusations about me that are – I don’t get upset about them anymore, but they are very regrettable”. Clinton’s name was first mentioned during the invocation and, while there were some cheers for the presumptive presidential nominee, loud chants of “Bernie!” and “No TPP!” rang out, lasting around 20 seconds. “If Hillary Clinton wants to move today toward more party unity”, Solomon said, she should admit “mistakes were made making Debbie Wasserman Schultz an honory chair”.

Clinton supporters gather at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa