
DNC: Obama returns to convention stage to make case for Clinton

In her acceptance speech tonight, Hillary Clinton has a huge opportunity to detail key differences between her approach to being president of the United States – and that of Donald Trump.


The president says the nation has been tested by war and recession but he’s more optimistic about the country’s future. She would protect the rights of workers, create the best environment for industries and ensure safety for one and all in America.

“If there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch let me just say I may become the first woman president”, she said.

Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont, reminded Texas delegates that before he ran for president, Trump was a “leader of the so-called “birther” movement”, which demanded to see the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. He can not be the commander in chief of our army. That it would be a disaster.

In a highly unorthodox move, Trump appealed to Russian Federation on Wednesday to uncover and release thousands of emails that Clinton did not hand over to US officials as part of a probe into the use of her private email system while she was the country’s top diplomat from 2009-2013.

Clinton’s campaign believes Trump’s unorthodox candidacy will turn off moderate Republicans, particularly women, who worry he’s too unpredictable to take the helm in a turbulent world.

“I want to hear a great progressive speech from Hillary Clinton, and I expect we will”, said Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton, D-Ithaca, a Clinton delegate.

“We’ve got to make the struggle against racism central.we get killed, beaten up arrested and jailed for the crime of being black and brown”, Holmes added.

However, he also addressed Mr Trump’s grim portrait of America, noting it was “not the America I know”.

His vice president, Joe Biden, also addresses the convention on Wednesday, in a reminder to some Democrats that the candidate they wanted this year was the one they couldn’t have. “And that is not the America I know”. The faith is even stronger today.

The American voters will decide in just over three months whether Clinton will achieve that dream.

Several Bernie Sanders delegates from North Carolina joined a protest outside the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday evening, saying the party is ignoring their concerns. Earlier in the week, leaked emails showed members of the Democratic National Committee played favorites during the primary process, forcing the head of the committee, Rep. We will strive for it, we will work towards justice…

When we change enough minds; when we deliver enough votes, then progress does happen. “She walked the whole length of the library and said, ‘Look, if you’re going to keep staring at me, and now I’m staring back”.

Jordan Davis’ mother, Lucia McBath said Clinton was equipped to take on criminal justice reform and limit the number of “heartbroken mothers”.


Her rival, meanwhile, is merely ginning up fear to secure votes, Obama argued.

Attendees cheer during the third day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center on Wednesday