
DNC Roll Call Brings Mixed Reactions Among Asian-American Delegates

It’s a lovefest now.


Wortham attended the DNC in Denver eight years ago, when Barack Obama became the first African-American to win a presidential nomination.

Earlier in the night, Al Jazeera’s Bays said it looked like the dispute between the Sanders and Clinton supporters had turned a corner.

The former first lady, NY senator and secretary of state was formally installed as the party nominee to take on Donald Trump on an emotional night at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

Former President Bill Clinton embraced his role Tuesday as a political spouse by regaling the audience at the Democratic National Convention with stories of his courtship with Hillary Clinton.

– Sen. Bernie Sanders came onto the floor at the end of the roll call vote.

The unhappiest among his followers filed out, occupied a media tent and staged a sit-in, some with tape on their mouths to signify their silencing by the party.

“I hear people say, ‘We need a change, she’s been around a long time.’ She has”, Bill said. “We were treated like lepers”.

The convention opened in a dustup over leaked emails showing the party’s pro-Clinton, anti-Sanders slant during the primaries, when it was supposed to be neutral. She anticipates Hillary’s acceptance speech on Thursday.

He reminisced about taking long walks with her and meeting her family.

MI delegate Charles Niswander, 28, said he and other Sanders delegates would never line up behind Clinton.

And at a time when intra-party tensions are high and she is seen as insufficiently revolutionary for numerous Democrats’ most progressive members, Bill Clinton pitched his wife as the “best darn change-maker I have ever known”.

“If Hillary Clinton comes out and she demonstrates that she is going to be someone we can trust to stick to that, I think we can begin to have a conversation”, Clipston said.

Presently he is on the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation and a member of the leadership team for the Clinton Global Initiative, traveling the world giving speeches for an average of 0,000 a pop.

Amid the meandering autobiography, Clinton offered a few attempts to justify his wife on policy. Does knowing that Hillary was an excellent mother say anything about her political qualifications?

“I married my best friend”. Trump is the Clinton imitator. The Clinton forces deployed their big gun, former President Bill Clinton, wheeling him into place to deliver the final testimonial. But will voters notice or care?

The portrait was missing some strokes. He portrayed his wife as someone who was confident, continuously committed to social justice, and so focused on her career that she rejected his marriage proposal three times.

Not only does the hashtag attempt to rehabilitate Clinton’s public persona, it’s a knock on Trump, whose authenticity is also often questioned.

The Clintons’ relationship was marred in 1996, when it emerged then President Clinton had had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Cartoons are two-dimensional, they’re easy to absorb.

During the Texas delegation breakfast at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott hotel, Russell Lytle took the stage with fellow backers of Sanders, the US senator from Vermont and former presidential candidate. Protest leader Erica Mines told the crowd that it was an “anti-police rally” and a “black and brown resistance march” and instructed all white people to move to the back.

The morning after his rousing endorsement of Clinton at the convention, Sanders himself was booed as he arrived for a breakfast with California delegates.


The fart-in is scheduled for both inside the Wells Fargo Center and outside on the street, with at least some Sanders delegates planning to participate inside the convention hall, and supporters planning to participate outside as well.

Hillary Clinton