
DNC Vice Chair: Hillary Clinton Won Party’s Primary ‘Fair and Square’

Brazile, now serving as DNC Vice Chair, “will lead party through the remainder of the 2016 election”, says party spokesman Luis Miranda on his personal Twitter account, according to Bloomberg News.


She pointed to the 1964 Democratic convention, where the party refused to seat as voting delegates black civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer and members of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which had been formed to challenge the all-white delegation from Mississippi. And obviously Secretary Clinton, when she becomes president, will have the opportunity to select a new Democratic National Committee Chair.

Following the announcement of Brazile as interim DNC chair, Wikileaks tweeted an image of an email that involves Brazile in the DNC controversy surrounding the Sanders campaign. She has aided a number of Democrats in Louisiana, including former Sen.

On the program “This Week”, Sanders called for Wasserman Schultz to resign, and later in the day news broke that she would step aside and Donna Brazile, who ran Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign, would take over on an interim basis.

“I mean there’s no question to my mind and I think no question to any objective observer’s mind that the DNC was supporting Hillary Clinton, and was at opposition to our campaign”, Sanders said.

The leaked emails angered Mr Sanders’ supporters, hundreds of whom took to the streets of Philadelphia on Sunday to voice their discontent.

But Sanders maintained that his support for Clinton is strong, saying his immediate message to his supporters now is that “disastrous” Donald Trump must be defeated.

Brazile told CNN Sunday night that she was apologizing to Sanders’ team for the “insensitivity and tone” and “toxic words” in the emails.

“On behalf of the party, I wanted to apologize for the salacious and sensitive, very mean-spirited emails that were referenced to in the WikiLeaks”, she told Fox News on Monday.

Hinojosa, the former Cameron County judge, said he expects great things out of Brazile. “I’m gong to be respectful of you, and I want you to be respectful of me”. He said, “I don’t think we’re anywhere near as fractured as the Republican party”.

“We’re not concerned about our emails”, Palmieri said. “I recognize how painful it must have been”, said Grossman, who said he has known Wasserman Schultz for years.


“Debbie has spent a lot of time and effort pulling together this convention”, Brazile said on GMA.

Donna Brazile vice chair of the Democratic National Committee and serving as interim chair until November speaks on the floor of the Democratic National Co