
DNC Violated Impartial Pledge to Sanders Supporters – Delegate

The statement gave few details on the departure, but it comes as leaked emails show the DNC apparently favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the primary process, even though they are supposed to be impartial. “I think it is important that we have some diversity and some representation that the leadership of our party better represent the party”, said McAuliffe.


Emails hacked from the DNC’s servers and released by WikiLeaks just before the start of the convention indicated that Wasserman Schultz and other top committee officials had their thumbs on the scale for Hillary Clinton.

As it turns out, however, the DNC convention went ahead yesterday without Schultz following chaotic scenes in which she was loudly jeered by Bernie Sanders followers.

The anti-Wasserman Schultz people held signs at the breakfast that said that read: “We Don’t Want Cheaters In Our Party Anyway”, and “Thanks for the “Help” Debbie”, notes The New York Times. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who is also the DNC’s secretary, handled the gaveling in her place.

Wasserman Schultz acknowledged the protesters in her speech.

Earlier that evening, Clinton had formally accepted the Democratic Party’s invitation to be their presidential candidate in the race for the White House against Donald Trump.

The Vermont senator’s supporters are out in force in Philadelphia, and thousands rallied Sunday ahead of the convention.

“I’m hardcore Bernie because I believe in his outlook and his vision”, said Mike Whitty.

Later in the speech when Sanders received loud disapproval from the crowd when he told “we must elect Hillary Clinton”.

Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent in Florida’s 23rd District, Tim Canova, has the support of Sanders in his insurgent bid and has used it to boost the fundraising of his campaign, which was once viewed only as a long shot.


To ask Sanders’ supporters to put their fury aside now and support Clinton – enthusiastically – is a tall order.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders