
Do MMA star Ronda Rousey’s revelations show domestic violence double standard?

UFC superstar Ronda Rousey has announced her support for Bernie Sanders for President in 2016.


“I mean, I wouldn’t vote for him”, she told CNN in August.

And yet, in an interview with Maxim published Tuesday, Rousey said she’s on-board with and “really pulling for” the democratic socialist candidate.

The Huffington Post notes that Rousey is one of many celebrities who have recently endorsed the Vermont Senator.

Lately she’s elaborated on that, though, even expressing a desire to one day hold a WWE Divas Championship. Republican Donald Trump claimed to have her support, but the professional fighter dismissed the claim.

“I’m voting for Bernie Sanders, because he doesn’t take any corporate money”, Rousey said in an interview with Maxim magazine.

Bosch, an accomplished judoka from Den Helder, North Holland, is only the last person to give Ronda Rousey a rare defeat – a deed she accomplished during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

The fighter admitted that she feels politicians shouldn’t be able to take any donations for their presidential runs from “outside interests” such as corporations.

The fight ended after Rousey went to her vehicle and he jumped into the passenger seat, grabbing the steering wheel.

Time lapsed before news of the excerpt broke, but with Rousey set to fight Holly Holm on Saturday, the UFC’s biggest star’s personal life has been under a microscope on a almost constant basis.

Which is what makes Rousey’s endorsement of Sen.

Campaign finance reform clearly has a few bipartisan appeal these days. Sanders has a hard-hitting ally in his corner this election season.


Maybe I can do the old lick on the face, crawl over her, hope she freaks out and pin her from there.

Ronda Rousey has been rumored to play Captain Marvel