
Do not believe in Donald Trump’s ‘believe me’ rhetoric

WASHINGTON: Asserting that the U.S. is the “best-placed” country in the world to seize the future, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has attacked her Republican rival Donald Trump for running a negative campaign as she embarked on a bus tour with her running mate.


“We open up states, meaning me, meaning you”.

“Any party that nominates Donald Trump has moved too far away from his party of Lincoln”.

Audience members shouted “Not one word!” and “No!” when asked if they believed Trump.

Clinton is already back on the campaign trail, kicking off a bus tour through the battleground states of OH and Pennsylvania with her running mate, Tim Kaine.

Kaine, a first-term senator from Virginia and the commonwealth’s former governor, called his Christian faith “the North Star orienting my life”. He was previously vetted for the vice presidency by Barack Obama in his presidential campaign in 2008 and picked by Obama to lead the Democratic National Committee between January 2009 and April 2011.

He praised her consistency in fighting for children and families, fulfillment of promises and perseverance, citing her tough crackdown on dictators and Osama bin Laden while Secretary of State.

“I can’t think of an election that is more important, certainly in my lifetime”, she said. I’m sorry, no-you have no idea.

In an appearance on “CBS This Morning” on Wednesday, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Trump would not be releasing his returns because they are still being audited by the IRS. He just says, “believe me”. “I find it highly amusing that Donald Trump talks about ‘Make America Great Again.’ He doesn’t make a thing in America except bankruptcies”, Clinton said.

Ending his speech, he endorsed Mrs. Clinton as a “fighter” and “patriot” that will do for America the good that it is looking for.

Kaine, who spoke before Clinton, illustrated her as a candidate with a strong work ethic and a proven track record. Trump said at a rally in Denver.

“I haven’t been informed of that change, but I’m going to check it out”, Kaine said earlier in July.

“Tim Kaine will say anything to win”, Whitbeck added.


Kaine introduced Clinton in Philadelphia by contrasting the ticket’s message with the Republican convention in Cleveland, which he called “very dark and negative”. In Philadelphia for the summer to help take care of his grandchild, Goodwin said he hopes to see Clinton and Kaine continue to draw out the contrasting visions of the two parties as they hit the road this weekend.

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