
Do not forget to Fall Back

It’s time to fall back – and check or change a few batteries.


Nebraska and Iowa residents are being reminded to set their clocks back an hour before going to sleep Saturday. But it will get dark quicker in the early evening.

Daylight saving time returns at 2 a.m. local time the second Sunday in March – for 2016, that comes March 13.

It’s also a good time to put new batteries in smoke detectors. A 2008 U.S. Department of Energy study stated that Daylight Saving Time merely reduces annual energy use by about.03% – that ain’t much!


Tonight is daylight savings time, so keep in mind to turn your clocks back one hour at 2 am on Sunday, November 1st, making it 1 am. Make sure there is a smoke alarm on every floor of your home in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area.