
Doctor treated Prince for withdrawal symptoms

The role played by Schulenberg in terms of the performer’s alleged drug addiction is unclear.


A search warrant obtained from Prince’s Paisley Park home has revealed that the late singer’s doctor prescribed him medication and saw him the day before he died. It was Andrew who called 911 and had the buprenorphine pills in his backpack, his lawyer said.

Federal agents have joined the investigation in an effort to determine if people in Prince’s inner circle may have helped obtain drugs for him, law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation told CNN last week.

The affidavit said Dr Schulenberg had also prescribed Prince medication, but did not say what it was or if the prescription had been filled. A spokesperson for the hospital said Schulenberg has since left the clinic.

Schulenberg’s attorney, Amy Conners, declined to comment to AP after a search warrant was issued for Paisley Park, citing patient confidentiality.

The Star Tribune of Minneapolis and the Los Angeles Times reported that the search warrant came shortly after investigators interviewed a Minnesota doctor-a family practitioner-who treated Prince twice in the month of April.

Meanwhile, police cars were seen back on Prince’s estate on Tuesday afternoon. Schulenberg’s LinkedIn profile has been made private. Kornfeld sends his son, a non-physician, on a red-eye flight to Minnesota, carrying a drug used to treat opiate addiction.

The affidavit stated that Schulenberg had performed tests and prescribed medication for an undisclosed ailment during Prince’s two visits and went to his home on April 21 to present him with the test results.

Schulenberg is actually the second doctor named in the investigation surrounding Prince’s death. The warrant does not note if he actually did, although TMZ has run photos said to be of Prince outside a Walgreens the night of April 20.

With the results of Prince’s autopsy pending, controversy has swirled surrounding the cause of the 57-year-old superstar’s death.


Six days before his death, the “Purple Rain” artist was carried off a plane by his bodyguard in Moline, Illinois, after an emergency landing, a law enforcement source confirmed to The News.

Items left by fans at a memorial for musician Prince hang from a fence outside Paisley Park Wednesday