
Dog Stands By Owner After Maryland House Fire

On Wednesday morning, a devoted pit bull stood vigil by the side of her owner, who was injured in a devastating house fire in Landover Hills, Maryland.


Precious the pit bull was hailed as a hero after footage of her standing guard over her injured owner after a house fire went viral.

The fire happened around 1 the 4800 block of 66th Place in the Landover Hills area.

A house fire in Prince George’s County has unexpectedly shed new light on a near two decades old ban on pitbulls. The ASPCA says that laws that ban residents from owning certain breeds “virtually ensur[es] destruction of otherwise adoptable dogs by shelters and humane societies”.

Precious’ owner’s son disagreed with the decision to have the dogs taken away, but first wanted to focus on the well being of his parent and the state of their home. When firefighters responded to the call, they found two people – a woman and her father – in the home, along with several pets. Animal control officers took the animals from the scene.

Crews were able to quickly extinguish the fire.

The home had no smoke detectors.

“It hurts, and I wish she was right here beside me as I’m talking to you”, said Newell.

Since pit bulls are banned in Prince George’s County, the owner will need to relocate her loyal companion. This shouldn’t be happening in America, ‘ the executive director of the Maryland Dog Federation, Adrienne Lefkowitz, told The Inquisitor.


Police do not plan on pressing charges against the owner.

2 taken to hospital after Landover Hills fire