
Dolphin snatches iPad of woman taking its photo at SeaWorld

All of a sudden, one of the dolphins jumps out of the water and snatches the pink iPad right out of her hands!


The woman reach in to grab it but the dolphin swam away with it.

Adding insult to injury, the dolphin splashed the woman as she tried to retrieve her tablet, soaking nearly everyone else around in the process. As she walks away, the dolphins, nearly appearing to be laughing at her, swim away happily.

Gomez, a season-pass holder and frequent park visitor, told WTVT that he’s never seen anything like that.

Kuadiel Gomez, who caught the incident on camera added: “A couple of dolphins came towards me lunging up like they were going to try and take my camera too!”


You can also hear a voice, presumably from a SeaWorld employee, cautioning patrons that the dolphins can indeed reach items held nearby the pool.

WATCH Dolphin snatches iPad from patron at Sea World		Posted by	Ben Sieck