
Domino’s Pizza Has Launched A ‘Zero Click’ Instant Delivery App

Well, while it would’ve been extra awesome for the app to display psychic abilities (next update perhaps?), that information is actually added by you during the creation of your Pizza Profile – a process you only have to go through once after your initial install. The future is pizza.


Domino’s Group CEO and Managing Director Don Meij said Zero Click is for “engaging with the Millennials” with their “busy and active lifestyles” but we all know it’s just so we can butt-dial pizza. Customers simply open the app on their phone (either the old fashioned way or by voice activation) and wait for a 10-second countdown. BuzzFeed recently highlighted Chick-fil-A’s mobile app as one that’s struggling.

Domino’s online ordering options include Twitter, text, smart TV and Amazon Echo, among others.

We can see the appeal of this app, especially for drunk and hungry revelers who have temporarily lost the motor skills required to order pizza online. When you want pizza delivered you can click on the app like a pleb, or use your voice like the attractive future-dwelling superior being you are, uttering those five magic words: “Hey Siri, open Zero Click”. With this app will helps a lot when you are missing your weekly deals and limited edition menu items.

Still, if you just want to order pizza with zero effort, the Zero Click app seems like a pretty decent solution.


Zero Click is a standalone free app which can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store or Google Play.

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