
Don McLean’s wife cites years of abuse leading to his arrest

McLean, 70, the singer-songwriter behind tender 1970s hit songs like “American Pie” and “Vincent”, was arrested on Monday at his home in Camden, Maine, where he lives with his photographer wife Patrisha.


Three days after he was arrested on a domestic violence charge, “American Pie” singer Don McLean is pleading with his fans for understanding.

The only bail condition placed on McLean was that he have no contact, direct or indirect, with the woman police say he assaulted.

According to police, McLean was charged with the lowest level assault crime.

He made a 6-part statement via Twitter, explaining it as the fallout of the “breakdown of an nearly 30-year marriage”.

She had locked herself in the bathroom.

“On Jan. 17, Don terrorized me for 4 hours until the 911 call that I think might have saved my life”, she wrote in a statement supporting her request for the restraining order.

“He tried to break open the door and I feel he would have succeeded and killed me but for me telling him I was calling 911, which did deflate him”, she wrote.

During their four hour argument, Pat claims he “squeezing her temples” and threatening to kill her. She also alleges that during the assault he said, ‘I want to strangle you so bad’.

“Characteristically, he would squeeze my arms and legs hard enough to leave ugly bruises”.

McLean, who has lived in Camden since the early 1990s, argued the school zone warning lights weren’t flashing at the time but he was still fined.


McLean is also prohibited from possessing any firearm, muzzle-loading firearm, bow, crossbow and any unsafe weapon(s). The temporary PFA was signed into effect by judge Susan Sparaco.

McLean arrested on domestic violence charge