
Don’t fear the flu shot

The local health department provided about 1,200 vaccines a year ago, primarily to employees and clients such as those with HIV; those in the Women, Infants and Children program; and those in the family planning program.


Thursday, Oct. 6, from 11 12:30 the Little Falls Civic Center, located on 19 Warren Little Falls. “The flu vaccine is available across the state, so there’s no reason not to get one”. “Getting that shot can help to prevent missing work, missing school and from being hospitalized by the flu”. This makes it crucial for children to be vaccinated. These individuals must bring their Medicare card for presentation at the clinic.

The Care Van is a mobile immunization unit that travels throughout Montana, partnering with local health departments and other providers to improve access to immunizations in rural and underserved areas. Medicaid or Food Assistance programs will also not be accepted.

The virus changes every year and easily spreads from person to person, making it hard to fully eradicate. About two weeks after vaccination, antibodies that provide protection against influenza virus infection will develop in the body.

The state Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control have recommended flu shots for everyone over than six months old.

Livengood says contrary to some people’s beliefs, it’s impossible for you to get sick from a flu vaccination. These children are too young to be vaccinated.

A Harvard Medical School website states that it is estimated that almost 40,000 people succumb annually in the United States to the virus and about 200,000 are hospitalized because they become so sick they can not stay home.

Getting a flu shot is easier than ever, still, it is estimated that almost 40,000 people die annually in the United States from the virus and about 200,000 are hospitalized.


If you have any questions about the clinics, you can contact the VBDPH.

Free flu shots offered in Virginia Beach on October 15