
Don’t forget to “fall back” on Sunday — DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME

“We feel safer when we’re walking in the daylight”, they wrote.


How do we remember all this?

Today clocks fall back, until we spring forward next year. The rest of us will be late for work on Monday.

It’s also a good time to make sure you have a fire extinguisher – he suggested a Class ABC, available at hardware stores – on hand where it is readily available in case of an emergency. The confusion that resulted was partially a result of change made by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. If it’s dark at 6 p.m., it will be dark already at 5 p.m. when we “fall back”.

The flip side is the summer. He even proposed imposing a tax on window shutters, rationing candles and using church bells as alarm clocks to wake people at sunrise. Prior to that year, a few counties in the state observed the time change but most didn’t.

Other states have tried to pass bills that would end daylight saving time and failed.

“It’s easy to imagine why light might have a deterrent effect on crime: Offenders know they’re more likely to be recognized and get caught if they’re fully visible”, Doleac and Sanders write on the Brookings Institution’s blog.

So who is in and who is out?

DST was first adopted by Germans to replace artificial lighting so they could save fuel for the war effort in Germany during World War I. Soon Britain and many countries from both sides, including the United States adopted as well. China quit getting up at 2 change the clocks in 1991.

According to MSN News on October 30, the Daylight Saving Time practice throws off the sleep patterns for many around the nation and puts most folks feeling like their sleep schedule is “all out of whack”.

On Sunday, November 1st, Daylight Savings Time comes to an end and the time will be changing in many different places, but not here in the Peace Region.

Australia can’t really decide.

What countries follow Daylight Saving Time? Thanks for reading the whole article so heres a reward.


Whether you’re in favor or against DST, you can create a great habit every year when it occurs – check your home smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and change the batteries.

Leap Second Clock