
Don’t let any Syrian refugees into US

As thousands of people fled from regions in the Middle East and Africa, the Obama administration in September announced the United States would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees to help share the burden with European countries. Would you continue that policy?


Carson has been a vocal opponent of accepting refugees for months, saying in October that despite his compassion, “I’m not all that anxious to bring in a bunch refugees from Syria who would likely be infiltrated with jihadists”. “For me to pretend like I have all that knowledge and the ability to formulate the specific plans is foolish, and I think anybody else who thinks they know it all is foolish also”. And the reason I don’t think we should bring them here is because it would be too easy to embed with them, within them, those who were members of the jihadists groups who would be interested in wreaking havoc in this country.

WALLACE: Dr. Carson what happens if the Russians respond to that by shooting down one of our planes?

Carson spoke about how his Christian beliefs have impacted his life and his career as a neurosurgeon, but managed to get in a few jabs at his critics including White House hopeful, Donald Trump.

CARSON: And I would make sure that the Russians understood that we are going to do that. “For us to always be backing down because we’re afraid of a conflict, that’s not how we became a great nation, Chris”, he said.

Rambling about the size of the human brain is not answer to a question about continuing the policy of accepting Syrian refugees.


He suggested that he would shoot down a Russian plane if it violated a U.S.-led no-fly zone over Syria, even when told that the decision could prompt Russia to shoot down a USA plane in response.

Ben Carson