
Don’t Look Now, But Hillary Clinton’s Lead Over Donald Trump Is Evaporating

A fired-up President Obama, making his first solo campaign stop for Clinton in Philadelphia, urged Democrats in the crucial swing state to get excited about their candidate.


Her campaign has also come under criticism for failing to inform the press of her diagnosis, which was made on Friday.

Rose then pushed Clinton, raising the concern that there may be a deeper health issue in play than simple dehydration.

“I’m feeling so much better. and obviously I should have gotten some rest sooner”, she told Cooper. That’s in addition to 40 years of tax returns and tens of thousands of emails, said Clinton.

And when it comes to who is fit to serve as president, Obama said that Clinton “has more qualifications than pretty much anyone who’s ever run for this job” while Trump “isn’t fit in any way, shape, or form to represent this country overseas and be its commander-in-chief”.

“I just didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal”.

In an interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose that aired on Monday, Bill Clinton tried to put all the rumours to rest by stating that what happened to his wife was nothing but dehydration due to excessive campaign activity.

Hours later, they revealed her medical problem.

Fox News Sunday Anchor Chris Wallace will moderate the third and final presidential debate, which is scheduled to take place October 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Meanwhile, Trump on Tuesday took on his rival for calling his supporters “deplorable”, saying that it was her “worst political mistake”.

‘I think her lifestyle and her underlying indicators … means it’s nearly certain she’s in better health than her opponent, but we don’t know because he hasn’t disclosed, ‘ he said.

“While my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, I call you hard-working American patriots who love your country”, Trump said.

Obama also aimed his fire at Donald Trump.

“You’ve got a medical report on me that meets the same standard as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama”.

Clinton’s evening interview, in which she promised to release more information at some point, came as her campaign scrambled to head off lasting damage from a hard weekend. “I have just examined her and she is now rehydrated and recovering nicely”.


“Donald Trump says stuff everyday that used to be considered as disqualifying for being president”. “As soon as it became clear I couldn’t power through, we said what was going on”.

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