
Donald or Ivanka for president?

To be sure, Trump is far from the candidate that gay rights advocates would have selected were the choice up to them. 2016 is a different year than 1968.


“America was shocked to its core when our police officers in Dallas were so brutally executed”, Mr Trump said.

Donald Trump has once again creeped out the Internet, this time with a “so inappropriate” embrace of his daughter Ivanka. “Period”, she said. “My father not only has the strength and ability necessary to be the next president, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs”.

Ivanka Trump vowed that her father would “focus on making affordable childcare affordable and accessible for all” if elected.

In an interview with the New York Times, Trump was quoted as saying that he would decide to come to the aid of states under threat by Russian Federation, only after reviewing whether they had “fulfilled their obligations to us”.

Mike Pence’s speech accepting the vice presidential nomination took place outside primetime because Cruz ran well over his alloted speaking time and thoroughly eclipsed Pence’s moment in the sun.

But don’t look for Trump to change much now that he’s the nominee.

Was another Trump woman borrowing lines from the Democrats?

In a speech in the U.S. city of Cleveland on Thursday, Trump promised to “put America first”, while tearing into his presumptive Democratic party rival Hillary Clinton, for what he called a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”. The event was boycotted by many big-name establishment Republicans, such as 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and members of the Bush family that gave the party its last two presidents.

Donald Trump, a multi-billionaire businessman and reality TV star, has been officially nominated as the Republican candidate in the 2016 US presidential campaign.

Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka introduced her father’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

Yet, “it doesn’t matter unless we beat Hillary Clinton”.

The timing is aimed at shifting attention away from the end of Donald Trump‘s Republican convention and generating excitement before the start of Clinton’s own convention next week in Philadelphia.

“She is showing the softer side” of Trump, said Chris Herrod, state director for Ted Cruz in Utah.

“He should have done it”, Trump said. But, he acknowledged, “certainly the optics are very bad”, vis-à-vis Republicans’ treatment of women.

But Trump also showed why he is one of the most controversial USA politicians in living memory. Peter Thiel, the cofounder of PayPal, said only Trump was being honest about how “fake culture wars” distract from America’s economic decline.

“I’ve been in many classes where professors will be very quick to dismiss the entire Republican Party and say …”

One thing that concerned Bishop is that Trump didn’t touch on many policies that impact the western part of the country, like water and land issues.

When the convention was gavelled in on Monday, it didn’t take long for tensions over Donald Trump’s nomination to bubble to the surface. “But gender does not, in my mind, define your capacity to do the job”.

The speech, and the Republican convention overall, made only perfunctory efforts to appeal to voters who weren’t already aboard the Trump train.

John Traier, a New Jersey delegate, said that he thought the speech was “terrific – and I say that as a gay man”. Even if you disagree, like I do, it was the most convincing defense of Trump’s readiness and ability to perform the job. “Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out”.

But what about Trump’s comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, asked The Atlantic’s Alex Wagner.


Trump painted her as corrupt, incompetent and hopelessly out of touch. “If you do, I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it”.

Donald Trump speaks on the last day of the Republican National Convention July 21