
Donald Trump accuses Ferguson and Chicago ‘gang members’ of being undocumented

Brash chatter from Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump seems to have sucked all the proverbial air out of the room.


Asked first about his standing in a recent CNN/ORC poll, Trump said the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s email use is “devastating”, and that it’s not surprising that he came within 6 points of the Democrat in a head-to-head polling match-up. “But I’ve been up there for a long time and I hope I’m going to be up there for a long time”. Bobby Jindal said he believes it makes sense, because doing away with birthright citizenship would mean that there aren’t any more reasons for people to come here illegally.

Mr. Trump would increase fees on temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats.

Perry has been harder to nail down on Trump’s plan, mostly addressing it with his go-to line that the federal government must secure the border before taking up any further reforms to the immigration system.

The Trump campaign was forced to change venues twice as the anticipated crowd swelled to sizes much larger than other locations could accommodate. “Now maybe it’s somebody on her staff. But look, it’s ether criminal or incompetent, it’s one or another… either gross incompetence or criminal, and neither’s acceptable to be president“.

Trump, speaking on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, said the costs of U.S. labor and taxes were sending companies not just to different U.S. states, but outside the country, in search of better deals. Ted Cruz also likes the fact that Donald Trump is talking about getting rid of the 14th Amendment.

What do young GOPers have to say about Trump’s tactics possibly trumping his or any Republican’s trip to the White House?

The billionaire real estate mogul, who has soared to the top of surveys of Republican voters with calls to deport the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants, says birthright citizenship “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting …

He even took flak as he sat down for the interview with CNN in Trump Tower, when an onlooker in the lobby of the building shouted: “You will never win the Latino vote”.

A recently released Rasmussen poll shows that 57 percent of likely Republican voters think that Trump will snag the nomination, the Hill reports. “We should end granting automatic birthright citizenship to the children of those who are here illegally”. Some are wonderful people, and they’ve been here for a while. They’ve been great. A few of the others have been great, meaning we all get along, because we should all get along.

He did say there were “a lot of good ones” among immigrants, and that he would try to bring them back.


“And I feel like as a mom of two young kids, I feel like our country is going down the drain, and I want to make sure they have a really good future ahead of them”.

Trump leads Bush in … Florida!PPP Focus