
Donald Trump admits skipping debate may have cost him in Iowa

A relaxed and confident former secretary of state answered questions from voters after clinching the narrowest win in Iowa caucus history with 49.8 percent of the vote compared to 49.6 percent for Sanders.


Sanders has campaigned on a platform of defeating corporate domination and for reforms to improve the lot of the majority. Jasper was elected with the votes of Democrats, the minority party in the chamber, and about 30 of his fellow Republicans. “They never voted against anybody from next door except when an incumbent president asked them to do something else”, Clinton said, according to AFP. And her prospects are much stronger after Iowa, as the race moves on to states with more diverse electorates that are to her advantage. That was after Clinton’s campaign manager referred to New Hampshire as Sanders’ “backyard”.

Caucus-goers were choosing between Clinton’s pledge to use her wealth of experience in government to bring about steady progress on democratic ideals and Sanders’ call for radical change in a system rigged against ordinary Americans. Clinton won all six tosses.

The dead heat came after Sanders made major advances in Iowa, where some polls had shown him at least 40 points behind the frontrunner candidate.

MILFORD, New Hampshire Donald Trump, the NY businessman seeking the Republican U.S. presidential nomination, said on Tuesday he felt “a tinge” of disappointment after losing to Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Iowa caucuses.

On Wednesday, the Bush campaign hammered Rubio with a full-page ad in the New Hampshire Union Leader, an influential newspaper in the state, that featured a letter “from the people who know Marco and Jeb best” – former and current speakers of the Florida House of Representatives (a position Rubio formerly held). The first-in-the-nation primary is set to take place Tuesday in New Hampshire.

Applauding the virtual tie as a significant accomplishment for his campaign, Sanders declared Iowa had launched a “political revolution”.

“I think he’s done pretty well from the start”, said Eli Johnson, 33, from nearby Brookline, New Hampshire.

“Bernie Sanders is a socialist”.

“No one president can do it, because the powers that be-Wall Street, with their endless supply of money; corporate America; the large campaign donors-are so powerful that no president can do what has to be done alone”.


Trump, who finished second behind Cruz, lit up Twitter on Wednesday with a series of posts saying the outcome was tainted because the Cruz campaign had deliberately spread misinformation about Trump’s stand on Obamacare and an erroneous report that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race.

Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with a supporter after speaking at a high school in West Des Moines Iowa in January