
Donald Trump Advisor Says Hillary Clinton ‘Should Be Shot’

But the Republican National Convention has been a showcase for sensational anti-Clinton comments, most notably repeated calls – often encouraged by headline speakers – to “Lock her up”.


But their embrace of the invective against the presumptive Democratic nominee is absolute.

Manafort even tried to blame Hillary Clinton for the controversy over Melania Trump lifting passages of her convention remarks from a speech that Michelle Obama delivered in 2008.

The GOPs new convention theme: ‘Lock her up! “This whole thing disgusts me”, Baldasaro said, referring to the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Perhaps the wildest attack on Tuesday came from former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, who told the crowd that one of Clinton’s “role models” – community activist Saul Alinsky – “acknowledges Lucifer” in a 1971 book.

He charged her with ineptitude on an array of diplomatic fronts, from Syria, Libya and Nigeria to Iran, Cuba, China and Russian Federation.

Frequently interrupted to chants of “lock her up, lock her up”, Christie told the eager audience, “Oh we’re not done yet”.

“As long as we are led by politicians who will not put ‘America First, ‘ then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect”, Trump says, according to excerpts released ahead of his address. “I condemn his statement in the strongest terms possible and urge him to immediately apologize”.

“That’s not keeping with the best traditions of American politics. Crooked Hillary Clinton, leave this race now!” thundered retired US Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn on Monday before a cheering crowd.

For his part, Trump doesn’t necessarily share Baldasaro’s sentiments.

“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason”, Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire state representative, told conservative talk radio host Jeffrey Kuhner on Tuesday. Hoback says the Secret Service “will conduct the appropriate investigation”.

Asked by NH1 News if he was speaking as an adviser to Trump or as a private citizen, Baldasaro said it was “me personally as a veteran, how I feel because I know right now, I know many other veterans in the military because of one document were kicked out or lost their clearances”.


The Trump campaign tried to distance itself from the comments, with spokeswoman Hope Hicks saying the campaign doesn’t agree with Baldasaro’s remarks.

Baldasaro talks 1-on-1 with NH1 News about saying Clinton should be 'put in the firing line'