
Donald Trump all about Donald Trump in introducing Mike Pence as ‘partner’

Although Indiana is part of the rust belt, which has lost manufacturing jobs overseas, Trump said Pence had brought down unemployment, created jobs, balanced the budget and made the state’s largest income tax cut.


“What a difference between crooked Hilary Clinton and Mike Pence”, Trump said during his almost 30 minute speech introducing Pence.

“This is the primary reason I wanted Mike – other than that he looks very good, other than he’s got an incredible family, and incredible wife”, Trump said.

The presumptive Republican nominee also continued to insist in the interview that he “was against the war in Iraq from the beginning”, despite evidence to the contrary.

WHITE House hopeful Donald Trump has said the man who will join him on the Republican presidential ticket is a “man of character, honour and honesty”.

When Stahl noted that Pence’s more conservative and religious background could help Trump win over more GOP voters, Trump bragged that he didn’t need Pence’s help.

Recent polls show Trump in a virtual dead heat with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has been dogged by issues of trust and allegations of impropriety linked to her misuse of a personal email server while she was America’s top diplomat.

“By picking Mike Pence as his running mate, Donald Trump has doubled down on some of his most disturbing beliefs by choosing an incredibly divisive and unpopular running mate”, said John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman. Trump also noted that Pence had lowered state income taxes.

“What do you mean you don’t care?” asked Lesley Stahl, who conducted the interview.

“I don’t know where that came from”, Palatucci said.

He’s been critical of Trump’s proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the US, calling the idea “offensive and unconstitutional”. “Hillary Clinton is a crook”. The rumors were that he was still deciding between New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, and Pence.

Trump then leaned over and nudged Pence, “He’s entitled to make a mistake every once in a while”.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio praised Pence on Twitter as a “great pick” and “rock solid”.


In in the interview, Trump was confronted with Pence’s vote to authorize force in 2002 as a member of the House.

EGO US presidential candidate Donald Trump with his vice-presidential pick Mike Pence. REUTERS  John Sommers II