
Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Lead Iowa Caucus Poll

Iowa offers only a small contingent of the delegates who will determine the nominees at each party’s national convention in July.


In the Democratic competition, Hillary Clinton held a slight edge over Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, 45 per cent to 42 per cent.

In the Republican caucus, Trump leads Texas Sen.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have agreed to participate in four more debates, starting with a New Hampshire event next week.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the third Democrat in the presidential race, has already expressed willingness to participate in any supplemental debates.

What’s more, Trump appears to have very little room for growth.

Cruz directed much of his fire at Rubio, sharply challenging his rival’s conservative credentials on the airwaves. “We want to stay in touch with you for the next 48 hours”, Rubio said. “Amnesty. The Republican Obama”.

“The desperation kicks in”, Rubio said in response to Cruz.

“In a way it’s a good thing … you don’t spend $30 million against someone who isn’t doing well, and you don’t spend $30 million attacking someone that can’t win”, he said. “The Washington establishment is abandoning Marco Rubio, because I think they’ve determined that he can not win, and they’re flocking to Donald Trump.”, said Cruz, according to Politico.

How Iowa will vote, however, is notoriously hard to predict since it is never quite certain how many people will show up to caucus. The caucuses are held at schools, churches and even private homes.

Sanders said Wednesday he would only do more debates on his own conditions.

SIOUX CITY | Six White House hopefuls fanned out Northwest Iowa Saturday, rallying voters to caucus for them Monday night in the first test of the presidential nominating season.

The caucuses tip off at 7 p.m. Monday – an evening with an iffy weather forecast that could see snow and sleet across parts of the state, capable of lowering turnout.

“The eyes of America, in fact much of the world” would be on Iowa, and the state could be a model for the future of American democracy, he said.

Mrs Clinton has worked assiduously to avoid a repeat of 2008, when then-Illinois senator Barack Obama scored a surprise win in Iowa. She finished third in the caucuses and her days as the prohibitive favorite for the nomination faded.

That heat was coming from Republicans; Sanders earlier declared the email flap a nonissue in his mind.

Analysts, meanwhile, feel the economy is the root cause of the voter anger, which is fueling the campaigns of Trump and Sanders.

He also was on the Iowa State campus, telling about 500 people that his campaign would be working to ensure they follow through with their support.

Mrs Clinton emphasised the issue of gun regulations at a rally at Iowa State University in Ames, where she was joined by former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who was severely wounded in a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly. The ad, without naming him, also says she would “build on Obamacare”, not start over, and stand up to the gun lobby, “not protect it”, all swipes at the senator. “I just think he’s a great business man, I think he’s a great family person, I think he’s very honest”, said Patrick Ratkovich, of Dubuque.


Voters are seeing results from the final poll published by the Des Moines Register which shows Sanders three percentage points behind Hillary Clinton among likely Democratic party caucus-goers.

Audience members reach for free items being thrown during Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign event at Dubuque Regional Airport on Saturday in Dubuque Iowa