
Donald Trump and Mike Pence

It expanded coverage to more than 300,000 low-income adults.


Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and are also expected to be on the program. John Edwards as his running mate.

The 22-member Republican committee has 30 days to select a new nominee for governor, but former state Republican Chairman Mike McDaniel said he expects a decision will be sooner. Pence called Trump’s statements “inappropriate”.

But logos, like Clinton’s and now the Trump-Pence one, are easy to pick apart, especially when people have predisposed opinions of the person the logo is representing.

Trump has also distanced himself from social conservatives, saying Planned Parenthood “has done very good work” for some women and questioning Republican efforts to require transgendered people to use the bathrooms of their natural-born gender. Possessed of near-perfect lifetime ratings from conservative interest groups, as both a congressman and a governor Pence has been a particularly vigorous crusader on social issues, where Trump’s beliefs tend to be somewhat looser than even his ideas about other issues. “I expect there will be an announcement of his choice before we get to Cleveland”, Manafort said.

Priebus was in an interview with The Associated Press when Trump tweeted the news about Pence. Multiple Washington-based media outlets also reported Pence was the choice.

“I’m a conservative”, Pence says.

Democrats said the Pence selection is “divisive”.

“In light of the disgusting attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow’s news conference concerning my vice presidential announcement”, he tweeted.

Trump took notice of Pence during the IN primary, noting that the governor had high praise for him despite endorsing one of his rivals.

Donald Trump has offered Mike Pence the vice-presidential spot on his Republican ticket, and Trump aides have told the IN governor the formal announcement event could be made on Saturday.

Clinton’s campaign also spotlighted Pence’s anti-abortion record and his signing of a law that allowed IN businesses to ignore anti-discrimination rules that conflict with their religious beliefs, a measure widely denounced as anti-gay after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.

Pence brings to the ticket vast congressional experience, as well as executive chops from his term as governor.

He opposed the relocation of Syrian refugees into IN but argued that this was different than a blanket ban on migration by one religious group. Other Republicans who weren’t on this year’s ballot could still seek the governor’s spot, but Holcomb, Brooks and Rokita have been the most active possible candidates.

Pence represented his home state of IN in the House of Representatives for six terms, from 2001 until he was elected governor of IN in 2012. Bopp said that could mean Pence “has to make a decision without an official announcement”.

Trump says he’ll hold a news conference on Saturday morning.

The convention and vice presidential announcement give Trump back-to-back opportunities to reassure Americans – as well as leaders within his own party – that he’s prepared for the presidency. Pence, who is running for re-election, faces a noon Friday deadline to withdraw from the race. No new announcement time had been set late Thursday.

Pence had already flown to NY before Trump announced the postponement.

9 a.m.: This story was updated with comment from Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Anyone flipping through the channels looking for positive ads about Donald Trump would be disappointed.

As a result, Trump has largely ceded control over what the voting public is hearing about him.

One of the great mysteries of Donald Trump’s always-unpredictable campaign has been solved. However, those documents have not been filed. To shore up support in a certain state?

In Dec. 2015, Pence criticized Trump for his proposed ban on all Muslims entering the nation, calling it “offensive and unconstitutional”.

That word comes from a Republican with direct knowledge of the selection process. The person was not authorized to discuss the deliberations publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.


Pence had already flown to NY before Trump announced the postponement.

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