
Donald Trump and Mike Pence Make First Public Appearance Together

This was the NY businessman’s first joint interview with Indiana Governor Michael Pence as his running mate.


“He’s a solid, solid person”, Trump said a few minutes into his speech before meandering through a number of other topics as Pence waited in the wings for almost a half hour to be introduced.

“I’ve found the leader who will help us deliver a safe society, and a really prosperous society, for all Americans”, Trump declared at a campaign event in Manhattan.

“Trump gets it and he understands the American people”.

“I call her ‘Crooked Hillary.’ She’s crooked Hillary”.

“I have a great deal of respect for John McCain”, Pence said before Stahl cut in and motioned toward Trump while asking, “Do you think he went too far?”

In conversations late into the evening, Mr. Trump repeatedly hesitated over selecting Mr. Pence, according to people briefed on the tense deliberations, who insisted on anonymity to describe the confidential talks.

Chris Christie says he is disappointed but has “no discontent” over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s decision to choose someone else as his running mate.

The original logo was on the letterhead fundraising email sent after Trump said the Governor of IN would be part of his bid to be the next President of the United States.

Trump said that Iraq “was handled so badly” when speaking on his strategy to take out ISIS. Trump said that he was allowed to make a mistake every once in a while, though Hillary Clinton was not.

After yesterday’s official unveiling in NY, the two men will head to Cleveland, Ohio, next week for the Republican National Convention.

He said he didn’t even know about the leak of his Pence pick to the Indianapolis Star, Pence’s home state’s capital newspaper. With Mike Pence out, what’s next for the IN governor’s race?


Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks in front of a crowd on January 19 at the Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center.

4 Reasons Mike Pence Is the Absolute Worst