
Donald Trump and the Middle East

At the same time, Trump said his administration “will speak out against the oppression of women, gays and people of different beliefs” and that it would be a “friend to all moderate Muslim reformers in the Middle East and will amplify their voices”.


Speaking in the swing state of OH on Monday, the Republican nominee laid out his plans to combat radical Islamic terrorism, pledging to screen visa applicants with an “ideological” test and reject those who don’t embrace American values.

Trump also pledged to crack down on anyone or anything deemed to support radical Islamic terrorism.

“We should only admit into this county those who share our values and respect our people”. Following a massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in June, Trump introduced a new standard, vowing to “suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats”. Trump spent more of his speech defining what he said was a new ideological test for those entering the US, comparing his plan to Cold War-era screening.

Donald Trump’s ISIS battle plan, which includes “extreme vetting” of immigrants for anti-American sentiments, had him sticking to a script one political watchdog urged him to adopt more often.

“Our current strategy of nation-building and regime change have been a total disaster – it’s time to chart a new course”, he said.

After laying out a long laundry list of well-known terrorist outrages by ISIS, Trump said, “We can not let this evil continue”.

Monday’s plan suspends immigration from “some of the most risky and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism” until a new test can be made and administered.

The audience responded to Trump with applause and chants of U-S-A.

In addition, Trump used the anti-terror speech to back away from his previous statement that the U.S. should pull out of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation unless other members paid more for the common defense. “She also the lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on [the Islamic State group] and all of the many adversaries we face”. That’s because Trump, emphasizing again and again the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism, expanded upon and made explicit some of his most controversial foreign policy statements. The US and many of its other allies have long insisted that Assad, accused among other things of gassing his own citizens, needs to go.

Numerous things Trump attacked – including the Iraq invasion, the Libya intervention and the Iraq withdrawal under Obama – are developments he has expressed support for in past years. “We can’t always choose our friends but we can never fail to recognize our enemies”.

His foreign policy address marked the latest attempt by the Trump campaign to get their maverick candidate back on message as his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton surges ahead in the polls. But like much else in Trump’s foreign policy speech in Youngstown, Ohio, his portrayal of his record on the Iraq War doesn’t quite square with the facts.

Trump said US troops should have been used to seize and guard it, and that could have helped stop the later success of the Islamic State group, which has depended on selling the oil to fund its war effort since its invasion in 2014.

Trump said that there are “many such regions”, but did not name them specifically.

“In the old days, when we won a war, to the victor belonged the spoils”, Trump said.

Likewise, a lot of Ukrainians, who are also from a volatile part of the world, likely don’t subscribe to some of the values Trump wants to make litmus tests.

He also doubled down on the highly dubious notion that the USA had made a fatal blunder in failing to secure Iraq’s oil supply and associated revenues for itself.

He said: “We will work very closely with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation on this new mission”. “I have never received a single “off-the-books cash payment” as falsely “reported” by The New York Times, nor have I ever done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russian Federation”, he said.


In yet another effort to “revamp” his presidential campaign after a series of media gaffes – this time involving whether or not he really meant that President Barack Obama was the founder of ISIS – GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has offered another policy plank in his 2016 agenda, this time regarding ISIS itself.

Here's how Donald Trump wants to halt spread of radical Islam