
Donald Trump and Twitter: Friend or foe?

“Look, he’s a nasty guy”, Trump said today, of Cruz.


Q: Since delegates determine who wins the nomination, and Sanders and Clinton split them nearly equally, why does it matter who got the most votes in Iowa?

Campaigning in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Clinton largely stuck to the message she used during the last days in Iowa, casting herself as a liberal who can accomplish change – an implicit suggestion that Sanders’ proposals are unrealistic. At a news conference prior to his speech in New Hampshire, Trump referred to Cruz’s campaign having emailed voters during the caucuses implying that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race.

She defended her vote for the Iraq War and talked about her experience as secretary of state.

“That’s unprecedented”, said Paul Begala, a longtime Clinton ally who advises a super PAC backing her candidacy.

He shunned the last primary debate before the Iowa caucuses but relished the drama triggered by his snub of the top U.S. news network and taunted his rivals at the competing fundraising event schemed to chide them. Seven delegates were at stake in the Third District; she won 4, he won 3. But there does seem to be a long-running game in which Clinton can never quite meet the expectations set for her, even if her actual achievements are considerable.

“The only candidate who can emerge from tonight’s caucuses with a win is Hillary Clinton”, Brian Fallon said. “But I don’t think it helps for the senator to be making those kinds of comparisons because clearly we all share the same hopes and aspirations for our country”. Her campaign issued a press release during Sanders’ appearance, listing Clinton’s efforts “fighting for progressive causes”.

Even with a win in hand, big challenges await Clinton as the race moves to New Hampshire, where Sanders has led preference polls for months.

“We are bombarded by commercials and I wanted to come see for myself”, said Cheryl Cortez, 41, a housewife, recently transplanted to New Hampshire from the Midwest, who remains uncommitted.

The victor of the Iowa caucuses remained in the Granite State as he tried to pick up votes in the first-in-the-nation primary. “That just became a lifeline for me”, she said. “I was disappointed”, he said, “that an impression was left that was incomplete”.

The newspaper says party officials ordered another coin flip to decide a dispute between the campaigns at an Ames precinct. “What we witnessed in Iowa yesterday was the result of the strength of Marco’s candidacy”, a statement from the Rubio campaign said as quoted by the news outlet.

New election or Cruz results nullified? Cruz eclipsed Trump 34 percent to 22 percent among that group. The whole value of Graham’s endorsement, in fact, is that he has some pull in South Carolina; if Graham’s now telling Jeb to hit the bricks before SC votes if he can’t beat Rubio in New Hampshire, presumably it means Graham is open to consolidating behind Rubio soon to stop Cruz and Trump. “I am so thrilled that I’m coming to New Hampshire after winning Iowa”, she told about 800 supporters.


“If ever there was an election year when you can’t predict everything, this is it. All bets are off”, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah said Wednesday night.

On Tuesday Feb. 2 2016 fresh off the