
Donald Trump announces Pence as his running mate

Ted Cruz (R). At the same time, he gave an interview in which he was careful to “particularly commend” Trump for “giving voice to the frustration of millions of working Americans with the lack of progress in Washington, D.C”.


“I would not short-circuit the vetting process”, Clinton said.

Trump said he had postponed announcing his vice presidential candidate in light of the attack.

Meanwhile, Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton laid into Pence in a different way – branding him “Donald Trump with a different haircut”. He also, fairly or not, acquired a reputation over the past few months as a spineless lackey for Trump, an image that would have reinforced the impression that Trump couldn’t deal with independent politicians.

Following an attack in Nice, France, Trump canceled a planned announcement Friday morning. The average net worth for Pence’s fellow members of Congress at that time was more than $5 million.

Twenty-eight minutes passed before the IN governor finally was introduced and walked on the stage. “This way, if Trump dies in office, we’ll still end up with Trump as President”, said one supporter. Trump stated “After a couple of hours in the job it was becoming pretty clear that Mike Pence just wasn’t as good as me”.

Christie was also hit with a scandal when former mentor and ally David Samson, who the Republican governor tapped as chairman of the Port Authority of NY and New Jersey, pleaded guilty Thursday to using his position to pressure United Airlines to reinstate a flight from Newark to Columbia, South Carolina, to make it easier to get to his vacation home.

“And we’re dealing with people without uniforms”.

In his first public remarks after Trump announced his running mate, Pence appeared to soften his opposition to a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country after he called it “offensive and unconstitutional” in a tweet last December.

He is also a staunch free trade advocate, potentially putting him at odds with Trump.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest tried on Thursday to cheekily poke at Pence’s support on the right, telling reporters that Pence “did important work with the administration to expand Medicaid in his state” under the Affordable Care Act. Pence describes himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”. There is no scenario in which the United States government can identify a religious minority group and start applying loyalty tests. We know where they are. Then he added: “Back to Mike Pence”.

“It is a dream of ISIS to pull American ground troops into” the fight, she said. And while grass-roots groups have been wary of Trump, Pence was an early supporter of the Tea Party movement.

“Trump is already a box of dynamite”.


Gingrich sounded gracious in losing out to Pence. “I can think of no better choice for our vice-presidential candidate”. Bopp said that could mean Pence “has to make a decision without an official announcement”.

Donald Trump says he would ask US Congress to declare war on ISIS