
Donald Trump appears to hint at the assassination of Hillary Clinton

“I finished it. I finished it, you know what I mean”, Trump said at his newly opened luxury hotel in Washington on Friday morning.


Trump’s allegation on Clinton starting the controversy is the latest example of his tendency to repeat statements that are patently false.

She went on to stump for Clinton, saying she was inspired by the current Democratic nominee’s record of public service and that she was the most qualified to take the job. Drawing on a frequently quoted line from her convention speech, Mrs. Obama said her husband had responded to those questions by “going high when they go low”. Take them and let’s see what happens to her.

About five minutes after that Trump took the podium to speak four short statements. “Although the Second Amendment people – maybe there is, I don’t know”.

The Secret Service declined to comment on Trump’s remark, spokeswoman Catherine Milhoan said. “Now, we want to get back to making America strong and great again”. Last month he suggested gun rights activists could act to stop Clinton from nominating US Supreme Court justices who would seek to overturn constitutional guarantees to firearms.

The Democratic nominee’s platform proposes expanded background checks for gun buyers and preventive measures to keep criminals and the mentally ill from legally buying guns, among other things.

“I have a lot of employees, and I pay them a lot of money”.

The president added: “I was pretty confident about where I was born”.

Trump made no mention when he spoke in Miami of his pseudo-mea culpa that dominated much of the news cycle, walking out on stage Friday night to the protest anthem “Do You Hear The People Sing?” from the broadway musical Les Misérables.

He told supporters his rival wanted to “destroy your second amendment” – referring to the right to own guns.

It is true, however, that Clinton supporters (though not Clinton herself, nor her campaign) were among the first to raise questions about Obama’s citizenship.

Meanwhile, former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher tweeted Friday that Blumenthal had “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya. I finished it. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.

Trump had always been the most prominent “birther”, the name given to those who propagated the false claim that Obama was born outside of the country. “And my hope would be that the presidential election reflects more serious issues than that”.

After years of fueling conspiracy theories, Republican White House nominee Donald Trump admitted Friday that President Barack Obama is an American as he tried to neutralise damaging charges of racism.

“Let me say this”, she said.

The Clinton Campaign slammed Mr. Trump for such a remark, saying the real estate tycoon has a pattern of inciting people to violence.

She vouched repeatedly for Clinton’s resume and character, urging voters motivated by her husband’s history-making campaigns to feel the same way about the first woman nominated for president by a major USA party.

Trump made a similar comment in May when he addressed a National Rifle Association conference.


“This is a campaign and a candidate that completely understands how the press works – or doesn’t work – and exploits the blatant weaknesses of political journalism”, said Dan Gillmor, a media scholar at Arizona State University. He said that when Democrats “are in trouble they always pull out the “racist” word”.

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Friday