
Donald Trump avoids controversy with prepared victory speech

Obama, Indian leader vow to boost trade ties MORE (Ky.) said Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump hits on panicked Republicans Clinton to shift Trump attacks to economy Durbin: “Warren “excellent choice” for vice president MORE must behave like he is actually seeking the White House”.


Walker is in good company, joining even some of Trump’s supporters in condemning the rhetoric, which House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called “the textbook definition of a racist comment”.

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s victory speech Tuesday night was a relatively calm affair, given his decision to read from a Teleprompter. Now, he’s urging Republicans to un-endorse Trump.

“I can not and will not support my party’s nominee for President regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party”, Kirk said in a statement, where he also said Trump did not have the temperament to command the USA military or take control of nuclear weapons. No, I do not, ” Ryan said, according to The Associated Press.

During an interview with Channel 9’s Christopher Heath, the Florida Senator explained why he didn’t agree with fellow Republican partner Donald Trump. “I’m going to be America’s champion”. Among the accusations, Trump said that Hillary Clinton used her status as Secretary of State to earn personal funds for personal gain – a fact that has not been supported or accused.

Speaking from his campaign headquarters in NY on Tuesday, Trump accused the Clinton family of being politicians who have used the political system for personal gain.

Trump also said he would protect the jobs of Americans, “whether first or 10th generation”, and uplift inner cities by taking “care of our African-American people who have been mistreated for so long”. Trump said his determination to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and deport an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants is behind a number of decisions the judge has made against Trump in the Trump University case.

But he says he’ll vote for Trump anyway. Yet most were unwilling to rescind their endorsement of Trump, given the support he still retains among Republican voters. “Because we’re going to get killed with this nominee”. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Clinton’s rival, will be a constructive force for 2016.

The mantra evokes uncomfortable historic parallels for some: In the 1940s, the America First Committee opposed U.S. intervention in World War Two, the Zionist movement and the founding of the state of Israel.


Her total is comprised of pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, as well as superdelegates – the party officials and officeholders who can back a candidate of their choosing.

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