
Donald Trump: “Bill The Worst Abuser Of Women, Hillary’s His Enabler”

After Obama’s win, the former president noted that Jesse Jackson had won South Carolina’s primary in 1984 and 1988 – victories that didn’t lead to the Democratic nomination. A former Arkansas state employee said that during a presentation, then-Governor Clinton walked behind her and rubbed his pelvis up against her repeatedly. He reiterated that such criticism is “fair game” if Hillary Clinton plays the “woman card” in the presidential campaign.


Israel indicts Jewish extremists in deadly arson attack
For over three months Palestinians have carried out near daily attacks on Israeli civilians and security forces. Separately, two more Israelis were indicted for other attacks on Palestinians known as “price tag” attacks.

Trump’s latest comments continue a line of attack the GOP contender has been pursuing since last week.

Iranian Protesters Arrested At Saudi Embassy In Tehran
Images also showed protesters taking down the Saudi Arabian flag before dragging it along the streets outside. Iran’s parliament speaker warned that the execution would prompt “a maelstrom” in Saudi Arabia.

“She [Hillary] wants to accuse me of things”.

Iranian Navy Fires Rockets Near US Carrier
Iranian state television aired in October unprecedented footage of such an underground missile base. NBC News first reported news of the missile test.

Trump said he loves “the concept” of having a woman president, but he called Clinton “hollow”.

The fair-game standard has all but disappeared in a campaign that has seen the Republican front-runner Donald Trump ridicule Carly Fiorina’s appearance, Fox host Megyn Kelly’s hormones, and Hillary Clinton’s bathroom habits. She predicted Trump’s attacks on Bill Clinton would sway few voters.

But Trump blamed Clinton, saying she forced his hand when she said he had “a penchant for sexism”.

“It made no sense to attack him when she could have sent a surrogate or a spokesperson to do it”, he said. She should perhaps consider adding another Bill (Cosby) as her running mate next summer.

“Engaging with him directly was not the wisest move because he’s on a high and has more credibility with parts of the electorate she needs in the fall”, he said. We are, however, looking forward to watching Bill and Hillary squirm during the incessant barrage of awkward questions her campaign is going to prompt.

And on Sunday, Trump said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he believed “the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this”, referring to the scandal involving Monica Lewinsky.

The political dynasty weariness factor that has been a headwind for Jeb Bush on the Republican side comes more into focus for Hillary Clinton when her husband is front-and-center on the campaign trail.

He went further suggesting “no women” want to vote for Clinton in 2016. “And I had to say OK, that’s enough” “I’ll tell you who doesn’t like Hillary”, he continued.

But that was nothing compared with what CNN’s Don Lemon engaged in when he had to discuss the topic.

Peter Baker, in “The Breach”, the definitive account of the impeachment saga, reported that House investigators later found in the files of the independent prosecutor that Jones’s lawyers had collected the names of 21 different women they suspected had had a sexual relationship with Clinton.

Then there were Trump’s pitches to the former president to settle in a gilded Trump building in Manhattan when he and Hillary Clinton left the White House. Trump has denied the accusation; his former wife has backed away from her claim.

Trump isn’t the only Republican 2016er bringing up the issue. He was, he said, “the flawless messenger because I fully understand life and all its wrinkles”.


But strategists believe that’s highly unlikely. Hillary Clinton’s New Yr’s Eve fundraising appeal to supporters warns concerning the consequences of losing in Iowa or New Hampshire.

Trump responds to Hillary: “nobody respects women more than Donald Trump”