
Donald Trump Blames “Thugs” and “Illegals” for Violence at His Rallies

For the latest example, this week, he said federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel – the Indiana-born, San Diego-based jurist who is handling fraud lawsuits against Trump University – has an “absolute conflict” of interest because he is of Mexican descent. “I got two autographs out of that”. The actor used his character in “The Martian” to suggest we all might be living in a simulated reality, and proposed we switch to another reality where Donald Trump does not become the GOP nominee. In March a Trump supporter sucker punched a black protester at a rally.


US President Barack Obama has condemned the violence at a rally by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in San Jose, California. “It was not one of San Jose’s finer moments”.

Four people were arrested as of Friday.

Police Chief Eddie Garcia also acknowledged that there “weren’t enough” officers at the rally to adequately stop the violence, according to The Mercury.

“We learn this stuff in kindergarten”, Hodges said.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments had to deal with. And Clinton says she’s looking forward to debating Trump.

If you dug deeper, you’d know Cheadle is a political hopeful just like Trump.

Lots of people had a laugh and/or were outraged at Donald Trump for saying “Look at my African-American over here!” to a black man at his California rally today.

While Trump has said he does not condone violence of any kind, his campaign made little effort to condemn it Friday.

It’s a new day, but the same violence erupting outside of Trump’s California rally.

Clinton told CNN on Friday that Trump had set a “low bar” regarding violence at poltical events.

‘Is it a surprise that people who don’t like him are stepping over that low bar? Everybody thought the African American was against me and it was the opposite.

“I was thrilled that he gave blacks positive press by talking about one of the (supporters) that was at his event … a black guy who beat up a white guy at his rally”, Cheadle said.

“Many of the attendees were attacked out in the open”, said Pete Constant, a former San Jose councilman and former police officer. And we’re so ready to pull that racist trigger and sometimes unnecessarily so, ‘ he said.


Trump kicked off his campaign by calling some undocumented immigrants from Mexico “rapists” and criminals and then stoked Islamophobic sentiment in December by calling for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”.

Trump Supporters Attacked At Rally in San Jose