
Donald Trump Blasts Hillary Clinton’s “Fantasy Universe” DNC Speech

Though “we may not live to see the glory”, as the song from the musical Hamilton goes, “let us gladly join the fight”.


“They asked us where do you want to be, and we said not on the floor”, he said. No matter who you plan to vote for this November, we have all just collectively witnessed something monumentous. It gives me goose bumps.

On Monday, Pew released a poll that found that 90% of consistent Sanders supporters would be voting for Hillary Clinton.

“My primary mission as president will be to create more opportunity and more good jobs with rising wages right here in the United States”, Clinton said. She was asking for a fresh start and I think her party showed all of its raucous energy and its diversity in a really compelling way.

“Hillary Clinton’s speech was an insulting collection of clichés and recycled rhetoric”.

In many ways that loaded word and the implications it contained eclipsed the historic nature of Clinton’s second, and most successful, presidential campaign.

In a detailed acceptance speech during Thursday’s closing session, Clinton countered Trump’s portrayal of a dystopian America, describing instead a nation with “the most powerful military, the most innovative entrepreneurs, the most enduring values”.

-“Explain to me what part of America First leads him to make Trump ties in China, not Colorado”. “Now I’ve been fighting for a trade agenda for more than 20 years that puts American workers first and I can tell you that in all those years I’ve never ever seen Donald Trump”, said Brown, one of the most liberal members of the Senate.

The triangulation – a staple tactic of her husband’s in the 1990s – was not in substance but in tone, due to what she dubbed as “a moment of reckoning” that could redefine America and its principles. And she asserted that he doesn’t have the temperament to be president: In the applause line of the night, she said, “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”. Reporter: But also focusing on the issues tonight in a speech that lasted almost an hour. “We will rise to the challenge, just as we always have”.

“He wants to divide us – from the rest of the world and from each other”, the Democratic nominee said of her Republican opponent in her speech closing the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Thursday night. Was that an effective strategy?

She said she was happy for boys and men, too, because when a barrier falls, it clears the way for all. “I believe America thrives when the middle class thrives”.

A comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship to millions of immigrants, including Indians, is a major election promise of Clinton, 68, who is the first women presidential nominee of a major political party.

That Hillary might not have known, instinctually, how to react to hearing her own name passionately chanted also reflects something about her campaign, though. Even many of Bill Clinton’s speeches were derided as “laundry lists”, but he destroyed Bob Dole in 1996 by showing, again and again, that Dole’s proposals were fanciful and risky while his would help ordinary people in tangible ways.

Wearing a bright red dress, Clinton spoke in strikingly personal terms about how her mother was intensely involved in her childhood, from soccer games to church on Sunday. She was only 13 when the family moved to the white house. An awkward coming of age in the harsh glare of a global spotlight. Some simply sat silently, except when she praised Bernie Sanders, at which point many stood and solemnly clapped; by the end, even that wasn’t the case.


“And that is not the America I know”.

U.S. President Barack Obama waves with U.S. Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the third night of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania