
Donald Trump Buckles To Pressure And Endorses Paul Ryan And John McCain

Sarah Palin reiterated her support for Paul Ryan’s primary challenger Friday night immediately after her political ally, Donald Trump, endorsed the House speaker.


Ryan is widely expected to win his primary contest in a landslide this year, but his opponent, businessman Paul Nehlen, has adopted elements of Trump’s message and tone, and shares numerous same support from the fringes of the Republican party.

“It doesn’t make me feel good when people say those things, and I recognize that I have work to do”, Clinton said. Trump is expected to endorse the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee at an event in Green Bay.

“Wisconsin, please vote for this man “of the people” this Tuesday!” she wrote.

At a rally Friday outside a brewery in Milwaukee, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, took aim at Trump for withholding endorsements of Ryan and McCain.

Mr Ryan is the highest-ranking elected Republican. “And the reasons for that are many and varied and I’m not going to go into them”, said Steve King, a member of the Republican National Committee from Wisconsin who helped run the GOP convention.

Trump said earlier this week in an interview with the Washington Post: “I like Paul, but these are awful times for our country”.

Trump also told the Post that Sen.

This week, he also disagreed with Trump over the candidate’s running feud with the family of a Muslim American army captain killed in the Iraq war. John McCain of Arizona and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.

“Look, everyone knows me: I’m fifth-generation Wisconsin”. Trump’s running mate, Goveror Mike Pence of IN, publicly, but peacefully, disagreed with him and backed Ryan.

Donald Trump is making a rare admission he was wrong – in claiming he saw a video of a USA cash payment going to Iran.

The potential switch to a Ryan endorsement didn’t please Ron and Michelle Lovelien, small business owners who drove three hours from Eau Claire to Green Bay to see Trump Friday.

Trump ignited a controversy on Tuesday when he said he was not “quite there yet” in supporting Ryan, echoing a similar line of doubt that Ryan had cast before eventually endorsing Trump for president. “Is there anything that he could say that would cause you to basically say, I’m cancelling that check?” Ron Johnson – who’s now in a bitter general election – also did not attend the event with Trump.

Trump’s sniping came during a week of plummeting poll numbers that have put even some solidly Republican states, such as Georgia, in play.

“While Donald Trump continues his hateful and offensive rhetoric, Wisconsin’s Republican leaders continue to stand behind him”.

The former secretary of state sought to “clarify and explain” a recent statement on Fox News Sunday that FBI Director James Comey said her answers to the bureau about her use of a private email server were “truthful”.


“He doesn’t respect me as a human, not just because I’m Native American, but because I’m a woman”, she said.

Paul Nehlen a Republican primary challenger to House Speaker Paul Ryan accuses Ryan of betraying the party in an'act of sabotage against presidential nominee Donald Trump Wednesday Aug. 3 2016 in Janesville Wis