
Donald Trump calls CEO pay ‘a complete joke’

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker fell from 10 percent in July to 2 percent this month.


This is particularly bad news for more establishment-minded candidates like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R).

“It’s ridiculous to think that the only thing that I can do is neurosurgery”, Carson said.

His comments come the day after Trump criticized Carson’s energy – the same attack he’s lobbed at another Republican presidential opponent, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Only 37 percent say their mind is made up.

Carson pulled at least some of his support from Republicans who are more typical political figures.

The two-hour debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library in Simi Valley, Calif., will begin at 8 p.m. EDT and feature the 11 candidates doing best in national polls as of September 10.

Meanwhile a Washington Post-ABC News poll saw Clinton suffering a rapid erosion of support among “Democratic women” – the voters long presumed to be the bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president. And on top of that, he’s the second choice for Trump’s voters. Fiorina and Carson both show that the GOP primary is about dissatisfaction with politics as usual and Donald Trump is definitely in that same category. “And I think that is the big difference”. One important step is to have the party’s base support before asking other voters to consider supporting a candidate.

23 percent of Republican primary voters nationwide say they back Carson, putting him just a few points below Donald Trump’s 27 percent.

He tells “Fox News Sunday” that he needs to introduce himself to voters, and to achieve that, he says it “doesn’t make any sense” to spending time talking about Trump or others, or their campaign strategy. Rand Paul each get the backing of three percent of GOP primary voters.

In another national poll recently, Carson was by far the strongest contender to Trump, who dominated nearly every other of his Republican rivals.

“That’s how we’ve been crafting our questions, so that Senator X will respond to what Governor Y said about him or a policy he proposed, and try to encourage them to actually debate Lincoln-Douglas style as much as possible”, he added, referring to the famous debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the 1858 Illinois USA senate race.


The news isn’t particularly good for Republican presidential candidates who have previously held elected office.

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