
Donald Trump calls for protester’s coat to be confiscated after being heckled

Trump was welcomed by a swarm of supporters and protesters at the rally, which was held in the historically left-leaning state of Vermont, just blocks away from Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ headquarters. Thats because the Trump campaign issued almost 20,000 free tickets for the rally in a space that seats just 1,400.


Those who said they didn’t were escorted away, though some had obviously lied as the event was railroaded by protests.

In one instance, Trump used the disruptions to draw a contrast with Sanders, who lost control of a rally last August when two female Black Lives Matter protesters stole his microphone. Ya, don’t give him his coat.

In interviews, Sanders has said that he believes Trump is appealing to the “fears and anxieties” of the American people and he has gone out of his way at times to validate Trump supporters by saying that people have a right to be scared based on the state of the economy and wages. “You know it’s about ten degrees below zero outside”. No, you can keep his coat.

Donald Trump went on to argue against the new gun legislature that Obama is presenting later in the day, stating that “We have to protect the Second Amendment”.

He said city officials tried to engage the campaign in conversations about a plan for outside of the theater where almost 700 protesters spent the night chanting and sharing their support for other presidential candidates, including Democratic candidate Sen.

“We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots”. Isn’t this more exciting?

Last night, Donald Trump took his travelling Muslim-bashing, racist-baiting, headline-grabbing roadshow to a place that few probably expected it would go: the Flynn Center in Burlington, Vermont.

In 2000, when Trump advanced the notion of a Reform Party presidential campaign, he shared his desire to ban all “assault weapons” while increasing the waiting period required for purchasing a firearm.

While Trump often vows to eliminate gun-free zones if he’s elected, he expanded his pledge Thursday to include schools. On schools. At – you have to – and on military bases.

Does he want to show GOP voters that he is the candidate who can, finally, flip those three Electoral College votes Vermont has?

“Started with 17, one by one by one, they’ve disappeared”, said Trump.

While speaking to supporters in MA, the demonstrator stood up and interrupted his campaign rally. When Trump polled the crowd to see if they liked him, many in the audience booed – he was on Sanders’ turf after all.

“I don’t want to see my grandchildren with something like that”.

“I said to the campaign manager ‘you lied to me, ‘ and I was met with shrugged shoulders”, he said.


“What do you think Gen. Douglas MacArthur (would say) if you said, “You can’t really bomb the oil because it’s bad for the environment.’ You think he might say, ‘I don’t give a damn”?” And as President Obama seeks to rally support for his executive orders on guns, Trump made it clear he’d undo those, and institute some of his own. Burlington resident Mark Conrad was first in line, arriving at 4:30 a.m. A staunch Trump critic, he said he’d like to ask the GOP contender why the venue was booked overcapacity.

Trump Met With Love, Hostility In The Green Mountain State