
Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton “The Devil”

This week, one of them says she’s leaving the party – driven out by Donald Trump. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday formally accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for president and pledged more economic opportunities for Americans and “steady leadership”. But since Trump’s campaign has a penchant for giving short policy details, his remark did not come out as a surprise but many were curious on what standard will Trump use to determine a failing school.


He railed against CNN, the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets such as “The Today Show” and “Good Morning America”.

Clinton has also seen her favorable rating increase, according to the poll, while the gap between that and her unfavorable number has shrunk considerably.

Plus, as Jeff Stein writes, there’s this weird phenomenon where partisans are more likely to actually answer polls in the wake up their own party’s convention.

According to that poll, 44 percent of Americans say they view the Democratic Party more favorably after the DNC while 42 percent say they view the party less favorably, a near-even split. Khan criticized Trump on the last night of the Democratic convention, and Trump has been firing back ever since.

Clinton leads Trump among women and Trump holds his lead among men. Among Democrats and independents who lean toward the Democratic Party, 84% now feel the party will be united by November, up from 75% before either convention. Bernie Sanders abandoned numerous principles he was so vocal about during his primary campaign when he endorsed Clinton. He said, “I think we have widespread voter fraud, but the first thing that Trump needs to do is begin talking about it constantly”.

The Democratic convention continues to plague Trump, however, with the candidate attacking the Muslim parents of a fallen US soldier who spoke at the Philadelphia event, which has drawn criticism from both political parties.

The Clintons’ daughter Chelsea also remains a close friend of Mr Trump’s daughter Ivanka.

Pennsylvania undecided voters would prefer the country continue on the path set by President Barack Obama than the one proposed by Trump by 30 percent, according to the poll.


The CNN/ORC Poll was conducted by telephone July 29-31 among a random national sample of 1,003 adults, including 894 registered voters. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent.

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