
Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton ‘the devil’ during Pa. rally

Now, it’s time for the official spy work of the presidential campaign to begin. That’s what has propelled Trump’s candidacy. Hillary Clinton wants the election to be a referendum on Trump: Are you ready to hand the nuclear codes to an authoritarian with a hair-trigger temper? There is no new and improved version.


Trump’s comments Monday came as he decried Vermont Sen. Ask yourself this: What successful 70-year-old man – in the immediate aftermath of one of the greatest victories of his life – decides to do things totally differently?

Donald Trump has branded Hillary Clinton “the devil” as he told supporters he fears the U.S. presidential election will be rigged. “I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates'”.

Former Republican candidate John McCain became the latest senior Republican to criticise Mr Trump for his attack on the parents of US Army Capt Humayun Khan, who was killed by a auto bomb in 2004 in Iraq, at the age of 27. “She has been a fixture in American politics for such a long time”. She doesn’t leap before she looks.

Former Republican candidate John McCain was the latest senior Republican to join critics of Mr Trump’s despicable behavior towards the slain USA soldier, Capt Humayun Khan’s parents who was killed by a vehicle bomb in 2004 in Iraq, at the age of 27.

The day after the DNC ended, the race was almost deadlocked with 47.8 percent for Trump and 47.3 for Clinton.

Did Clinton get post-convention bump? Trump gained a bit among Democrats, but that’s it.

Mr Trump has said he can not release his tax returns until the Internal Revenue Service has completed an audit. Much of it won’t be.

The Democratic presidential nominee raised another $26 million in July for the Democratic National Committee and state parties. They yield 242 electoral votes. They yield 102 electoral votes. Almost half, 47%, say they’re dissatisfied but will vote anyway. We have what seems to be a choice between the lesser of two evils, in which continued polling shows negative trust for both candidates, with many claiming their votes will not be “for” a candidate but “against” the other candidate.

On the rest of the attributes tested, the Democratic convention appears to have wiped out the significant gains Trump made on several of these measures, including being seen as in-touch with ordinary Americans, someone you’d be proud to have as president, running for the good of the country rather than personal gain and uniting the country rather than dividing it. Meanwhile, Clinton labours under deep doubt about her honesty and trustworthiness.


Those same qualities, along with some nontraditional Republican views, also energize the anti-Trump crowd. Even his openness to legitimate charges of racism haven’t cost him in the polls. Perhaps paradoxically, supporters of Trump, whose campaign mantra vows to return America to greatness, are more likely than Clinton supporters to say the US already stands above all other countries.
