
Donald Trump Caught Checking out Ex-Wife in Cinco de Mayo Tweet?

On Thursday, the Mexican actress proudly announced she had joined her son’s school’s Cinco de Mayo celebrations earlier that morning. Presumably, he meant the Trump Tower Café which is selling the bowls, just for Cinco de Mayo.


The Mexican holiday, which translates as “Fifth of May”, commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

Obama and Peña Nieto are scheduled to meet June 29 in Ottawa, Canada, during the North American Leaders Summit hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. No, they’re talking about his taco bowl and smiling along with the billionaire.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, was quick to respond to Trump’s Facebook post.

Trump tweeted out a photo of himself eating a taco bowl for the traditional Mexican holiday.

Lisa Navarrete, a spokeswoman for the left-leaning Nation Council of La Raza said that after watching the entirety of Trumps campaign this “doesn’t surprise us at all”.

Trump’s tweet came on the same day House Speaker Paul Ryan refused to support the real estate mogul as the Republican nominee for president.

‘Update: @realDonaldTrump deleted my comment on his Facebook picture, ‘ she wrote on Twitter on Thursday evening.

The photo comes during a time when Trump has alienated the Hispanic community during his presidential campaign, which includes a speech where he labeled some Mexicans as criminals and rapists.

Trump also previously said that he would erect a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and that Mexico would have to pay for it.

“The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill”, he said in the post. Trump food is bland food. It’s a Tex Mex travesty. Others challenged Trump on whether Trump Tower is really home to the best.

“Well first of all, I’ll have you know that Donald Trump has never been to Iguana Mia”, said Ricky Rambissoon, one of Iguana Mia’s managers.


The day has evolved into many Americans celebrating Mexican food.

Presumptive Republican bet Donald Trump wants Hispanics to know he'loves them. SCREENGRAB FROM TRUMP'S TWITTER ACCOUNT