
Donald Trump changes his tune on abortion

Other than in Wisconsin where polls show him trailing Cruz by 10 percentage points, Trump has performed best among primary voters in traditionally Democratic-leaning states.


Donald Trump’s campaign is protesting the Tennessee Republican Party’s slate of delegates to its nominating convention with a senior adviser to the billionaire businessman claiming that state party insiders are appointing anti-Trump delegates to erode his support at the July meeting. Asked if he disagreed with those who considered the procedure to be murder, he said, “No, I don’t disagree with it”. “These types of ham-handed mistakes give his opponents even greater opportunity”.

Trump was referring to a clip from CBS’ “Face The Nation” in which the presidential candidate said he doesn’t think the current abortion laws should be changed.

TRUMP: Well l first of all, I would have liked to have seen, you know, this be a states’ rights, I would have preferred states’ rights.

In recent days, Trump has suggested that if abortions became illegal under his presidency women who obtain them should face criminal punishment, only to subsequently back off his position. Trump backtracked hours later.

Though he has led national polls soon after he announced his bid and has won a majority of the contests so far, it is unknown if Trump will reach the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.

Kasich’s campaign manager John Weaver said Friday that the Texas Republican “distorts truth”.

“He does understand that at a certain level but he has a hard time not responding”. “No matter how insane I got, millions showed up to support me. Me!” He’s just one of several conservatives who have advanced the theory that Clinton and Trump have been conspiring to get her in the White House from the beginning.

“The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb”, the statement read.

He said it was a “terrible time right now” to invest in the stock market. “He’s gone from being an insurgent that people laughed at and a front-runner that people were amazed by to the potential nominee”.

DICKERSON: But do you have a feeling how they should change?


Planned Parenthood and Priorities USA, two groups working to elect Democrat Hillary Clinton, have teamed up for their first anti-Trump advertisement of the election year, a 30-second spot playing on websites that feature Mr Trump’s abortion comment. The next contest awaiting Republicans comes April 19 in New York, Trump’s home state and one of the biggest delegate prizes up for grabs.

Trump U-turn after saying women should be punished for abortions