
Donald Trump Claims He Predicted Terrorism Ahead of 9/11 Attacks

The real-estate developer from Queens said he predicted “terrorism” – which he says was documented in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve” – “cause I can feel it”.


Elsewhere in his remarks, Jeb Bush said he would beat Trump and win the Republican presidential nomination. Trump says if bin Laden was taken out at that point, the attacks on the World Trade Center would not have happened.

“I saw the film of it, yeah.”

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down”. That’s what it’s about, it’s about vision, folks. We’d have two attractive buildings standing there right now.

Trump said bin Laden ultimately would not have been killed in 2011 if the United States did not use waterboarding, the controversial interrogation technique that the Obama administration considers torture and no longer uses.

The GOP frontrunner also circled back to his ebullient position on waterboarding, telling crowds that he would implement the practice, assuring them that it works – despite a Senate report past year saying the torturous technique is actually ineffective.

DeRay Mckesson of Campaign Zero said Trump’s campaigning is built on ideas of bigotry and encourages violence. A man in the crowd shouted: “He’s one of them!”

That story did say, however, that the paper interviewed two people who said they knew of one incident in Paterson regarding “a small handful of teenagers who shouted “revenge” the night of the bombing”. Instead, WaPo provides him more than enough ammo to muddy the waters and turn this situation into both a game of semantics around the number of people celebrating, and again allows Trump supporters to question media credibility as a whole (via the Post’s reporter and fact checker really dropping the ball in “defending” its reporting). We know if there’s something going, report ’em.

In the past week, Trump has stuck by his provably incorrect assertion that thousands of people (he claims Arabs) in Jersey City were cheering on 9/11 as the towers fell.

“He does not believe Muslim Americans in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers”, Carson spokesman Doug Watts said.

Asked by Fox News about the mistake, Trump said, “I didn’t tweet, I retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert…am I gonna check every statistic?” You don’t remember his tax plan for instance, Mckesson said what’s remembered is not Trump’s tax plan, for instance, but his talk about building a border wall or creating a database on Muslim citizens.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has surged to the top rungs of the 2016 field in Iowa, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll of likely Republican caucus voters released Tuesday.


Before we continue, a little background from the author: I was in NY on 9/11.

In His Most Outrageous Lie Yet Trump Suggests That His Supporters Are Smart