
Donald Trump claims ‘many, many’ endorsements from black pastors

“If it doesn’t show up it’s going to make him look really bad”, Giuliani said.


Pastor Kerney Thomas of Opelousas Life Church said since the meeting, he’s changed his opinion of Trump, “He wants to bring more protection to America, he wants to bring back the dignity and the pride back to our country”.

After numerous religious leaders invited to the meet-and-greet objected over the weekend to its description as an endorsement event, Trump’s campaign chose to keep the meeting private and canceled a press conference afterward meant to announce the support of the pastors.

Mr. Trump, though, had to walk back his endorsement announcement and instead held an impromptu press conference after the meeting.

Thank you Mr. Trump for bringing issues to the forefront, and thank you for engaging many in the discussion who have not been engaged before.

“For whatever reason, he has assaulted everyone except for poor whites”, the group said.

Trump has also claimed video exists of such celebrations; news channels widely broadcast video of celebrations in the Palestinian territories following the attacks, but none in the US.

“The problem is they’ll say ‘Trump is chicken, ‘” he said.

Chris Christie, New Jersey’s current governor and Trump’s rival in the 2016 race, said on Monday that Trump’s claim was “just wrong”.

He said in one specific report which was later proved to be true, owners of a sweet shop were celebrating and children from a nearby housing development “beat them up”.

“I saw love in that room”.

People lined up for hours to see Trump.

Trump, who has told this anecdote again and again on the campaign trail, despite it being widely debunked, continues to claim that there’s footage of a large crowd cheering the terrorists on. Cruz told a town hall meeting in Iowa that Trump isn’t likely to become the GOP’s presidential nominee. “[And] maybe I don’t do well, and maybe my real polls, which are the polls we’re leading by so much, maybe they go down”.

The commercial shows Trump in CNN news coverage apparently talking about New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who is handicapped with a muscular disability.


Trump stumbled on religous questions earlier this year when he failed to name his favorite Bible verse and said he couldn’t recall asking God for forgiveness.

Trump says he should charge CNN for next debate appearance