
Donald Trump Clashes With Arizona GOP Senator in Closed-Door Meeting

Flake referenced Trump’s criticism past year of his colleague, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam conflict.


Trump supporters who were present said they welcomed the reassurance. Thursday afternoon at a closed door meeting near Capitol Hill, he wasn’t going to let Flake off the hook for being an outspoken critic of Trump’s rhetoric and tone.

Sources told CNN’s Manu Raju that Trump also threatened to defeat Flake in an election. Jeff Flake of Arizona, mixed it up with Trump during the meeting.

“I’m not a Never Trump guy, I’ve said I want to get there, I’m a Republican and I want to support the nominee”.

“I’ll tell you one thing, folks: I’m not saying it’s Newt, but if it’s Newt, nobody’s going to be beating him in those debates”.

Cruz also turned to mudslinging in his campaign against Trump, criticizing the NY billionaire in the final days of the in campaign of being as a “serial philanderer”, “pathological liar” and “narcissist”.

Trump told the New York Times last month that he would not invite a person to speak “if there’s no endorsement”.

Priebus is more than a bit ticked off that former presidential candidate Mitt Romney has steadfastly refused to endorse Trump.

“This is an opportunity for him to listen”, Karen Giorno, Trump’s senior political adviser and Florida campaign chief, said in an interview with the Miami Herald. He didn’t speak to reporters before entering the building.

Sasse’s spokesman, in a statement, said the senator considers the two presidential choices as a “Dumpster fire”, adding that “nothing has changed”.

Whoever Mr. Trump chooses, he’s indicated he wants a leader who can help with the job of governing and who will be able to work with Congress to pass legislation.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Trump sought to put the Saddam comment “into context, so people understood the context in which he was speaking about getting tough on terrorism”.

Visiting Capitol Hill amid his search for a running mate and planning for this month’s Republican convention, Trump blamed the media for campaign flaps that include his recent comments about ex-Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein. Trump opened the discussion with a speech on the importance of appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court, members said.

But he said the hearing on Hillary Clinton’s emails provided all the contrast and evidence anyone needs to get behind Trump instead of the Democrat. But Trump would not reveal those names.

Rep. Frank Guinta was one of the approximate 200 U.S. House Republicans to meet Thursday with Donald Trump.

Several have questions for Trump; others have already offered advice that the candidate has not necessarily accepted.


Trump dismissed the issue and insisted he has great support from Hispanics, Dent said.

Donald Trump