
Donald Trump clinches pivotal IN primary

Collective. “Communities of color need our vote to be respected and we need our basic humanity to be honored”. But the voters chose another path. Today, for once, Cruz seems to have figured out that the best attack on Trump is not that he is unconservative but that he is entirely unfit for office.


He dropped repeated references to Ronald Reagan and defense of the Constitution, keeping a path open for any future White House run.

Hunter Wilkins, 17, of Orlando, Florida, a Cruz volunteer in Indianapolis, said he was blindsided by Cruz’s departure from the race as he hurried out of the venue. State Sen. Linda Collins-Smith of Pocahontas will represent Cruz.

Trump appeared in Trump Tower in Manhattan not long after Cruz’s and spoke magnanimously about his vanquished rival – who just hours before he repeatedly referred to by the moniker “Lyin” Ted’.

Another man, who identified himself as Dominic, approached Rabia, a woman in hijab, to tell her, “Serving my country, what I did was go after terrorists”. “It would be over”, Trump said Monday. He is a tough, smart guy and he has got an wonderful future. ‘He’s got an unbelievable future, so I want to congratulate Ted. I don’t know if he likes me or not, but he is one hell of a competitor. It felt like I was crossing the border, actually.

“The evidence is extremely clear that I would be the stronger candidate to defeat Trump or any other Republican”, Sanders said.

Trump, in a statement, dismissed Cruz as “desperate”.

In his speech at the convention, Trump predicted the primary season would soon come to a close and called for Republicans to come together, stressing, “there has to be unity in our party”. The Cruz campaign immediately denounced the claims as “garbage” and Trump offered no proof beyond citing the supermarket tabloid. According to author Gerald Posner’s definitive JFK conspiracy debunking book, “Case Closed”, a man named Miguel Cruz was among a group of anti-Castro Cubans who confronted Oswald while he was distributing this literature.

Cruz himself elevated IN to a must-win test for himself, saying the nation was facing “the abyss” and camping out IN the state.

Earlier on Tuesday, Cruz forcefully and angrily denounced Trump’s suggestion that the Texas senator’s father, Rafael Cruz, was photographed and had a relationship with President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

But his campaign showed signs of strain and endured uncomfortable mishaps in the campaign’s final days. Police in riot gear and on horseback pushed the crowd back and away from the Pacific Amphitheatre, where the rally was being held. And, just so you understand:Ted Cruz.

GOP leaders and party supporters said they were excited about the opportunity to be able to interact with Trump, Cruz and Kasich at the same event. Trump and his entourage got out and walked into the building.

Katie Packer, chair of the Our Principles super PAC released a statement vowing to continue to “educate” voters about Trump.

President Obama has stepped up his criticism of Trump, telling WMUR-TV of Manchester, N.H., that the outspoken businessman “is not somebody who, even within the Republican Party, can be considered equipped to deal with the problems of this office”.


Hundreds of rowdy protesters broke through barricades and threw eggs at police outside a hotel where Donald Trump addressed the state’s Republican convention. “We want to bring as large a contingent as possible to demonstrate the breadth of Trump’s appeal so that the party can see graphically what they’re going to lose if they hijack the nomination from him”.

GOP establishment begins warming to Trump By Manu Raju and Deirdre Walsh