
Donald Trump compares Ben Carson’s ‘pathological’ temper to child molestation

“It’s in the book that he’s got a pathological temper”, Trump said during an appearance CNN’s “Out Front” with Erin Burnett, Thursday.


Ben Carson dismissed the “gratuitous attack” leveled against him when Donald Trump likened him to a child molester, saying Friday that he hopes candidates can “stop getting into the mud and doing things that really don’t matter”. If you’re a child molester-a sick puppy-a child molester, there’s no cure for that.

Time will tell if Trump’s attack causes his Iowa supporters to reconsider their support or double down on it. Carson, as is his modus operandi, stayed cool Friday in his response. Carson says the incident helped turn him to the Christian faith. “A problem. Then they talk about my tone ‘is a little tough.’ Give me a break….”

“How stupid are the people of Iowa?” he asked. Trump said. “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”

Moments later, Trump told the crowd in Fort Dodge that he could not possibly understand why anyone supports Carson, who is essentially tied with Trump for support in the first-voting state.

“Give me a break”, Trump said, after bringing up the story and even reenacting the belt buckle stabbing on stage. You know, because the only reason people are mad about systemic racism and police violence is because they don’t hear enough about how great America is.

The final straw for this embarrassing human being came Thursday, when he basically equated fellow Republican candidate Ben Carson with child molesting. The super-PAC won’t be fundraising off Trump’s attack, Sousa said.

Trump went on the offensive during a speech in Iowa yesterday (Nov 12) in an apparent effort to put distance between himself and his leading rival. “It hit the belt and the knife broke”, Mr Trump said mockingly.

“You would know something about pathological”, she continued.

In his 1990 book, Carson attributed his violent youth to a “pathological temper” that caused him to hit a friend with a rock and attempt to stab another, but the blow was blocked by the victim’s belt buckle. Honestly, outside of the woman card, she’s got nothing going, believe me. “He said that he’s pathological and he’s got basically pathological disease”.


And the “self-funded campaign” jab was an apparent reference to criticism Trump’s campaign has received for downplaying its millions of dollars in donations. “He has no clue what he’s talking about”, he said. Audience member gasped and others shook their heads during the “95-minute-long rant” by a “hoarse” Trump, according to the Post.

Trump Video Accuses Carson of Being Either a'Violent Criminal or'Pathological Liar