
Donald Trump Continues to Lead in South Carolina

Rubio, the Florida senator, is the second choice of 20 percent of Republicans, and he’s also the only Republican with a “net favorability rating” that’s significantly better than Christie.


But now – after his latest proposal to ban Muslims entering the United States – she says she’s no longer laughing. The New Hampshire primary is February 9.

Ted Cruz is the new GOP frontrunner in Iowa, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

However, Cruz is gaining support with evangelicals.

Enthusiasm for and attention to the campaign are higher among Republican primary voters than among their Democratic counterparts.

There are lots of voters who can be persuaded.

While Trump and Cruz are each particularly popular with grass roots activists, their combined support reflects the strong anti-establishment feeling among the most engaged Republican voters. But with less than two months until the Iowa caucuses, Trump has not come close to the sparring that has defined his interaction with every other Republican candidate. CNN’s decision depends on which polls they choose for their average, of course, but right now it looks like the main debate will have at most five contestants, and Bush is a big maybe on the cusp. Cruz has gained 12 points since the last survey in October. Trump is second among Evangelicals with 18 percent of the vote.

Why has Sen. Ted Cruz gone out of his way to say he wasn’t criticizing Donald Trump? Cruz is up 9 points on this question. Both Cruz and Marco Rubio are possibly getting a little benefit from that, but on this chart it seems clear that Carson’s voters are migrating toward Trump. Trump held steady with 19 percent, while Carson fell to 13 percent, dipping below Sen. Cruz follows Carson and Trump on this question with 17%. Today he lashed out against the candidate who’s likely his fiercest rival for the Republican nomination – fellow Sen.

The two candidates who gained more support than Christie’s 4 percentage points are the candidates he’s trailing. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley gets just 3 percent support.

Whoever emerges as the Republican nominee will likely face former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the national poll indications hold.

“He’s already fallen behind Cruz in Iowa”, Branstad said.

The CNN interview is not the first instance of Carson walking back his policy ideas as he discussed how he would wield government power in the name of national security. Seven in 10 people who are likely to cast ballots in the GOP primary said the outspoken real estate mogul has what it takes to confront terrorism if elected president.

Dole said Cruz is “so extreme” and “not a traditional Republican conservative”.

While the general election is almost a year away, the poll asked registered voters nationwide how they would feel if each of the party’s current front runners became president.


Cruz is also leading among voters who identify as “tea party supporters”, 36 percent, and male voters, 29 percent. But Sanders performs better with voters under 45 and independents.

Texas senator is presidential favorite at Value Voters Summit