
Donald Trump defends Milwaukee police shooting

Walker also said he would be attending a rally for Donald Trump in the state Tuesday night, but said he’s told the Republican nominee and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, that they needed to focus on Clinton if they want to win the state.


Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri responded by accusing Mr Trump of being the bigot instead.

Donald Trump will get his first official national security briefing Wednesday in NY, U.S. media reports said, two days after he said wiping out Islamic extremism would be the center of his foreign policy. “She doesn?t care at all about the hurting people of this country, or the suffering she has caused them”, Trump said as he sought the support of African-American voters.

Diving deeper into the numbers, PPP found that Trump’s lead is based primarily with his support from seniors who prefer him 63-33 percent over Clinton. A Washington Post poll of Virginia also out Tuesday showed Clinton up 14 points among registered voters and 8 points among likely voters. And speaking to reporters during a news conference Tuesday, Christie said that he thinks “most people have confidence in the electoral system”. “To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States”, Bardack said.

Trump was late to the event by more than an hour, but that gave the chance for a number of Wisconsin Republicans to promote him to their constituents – something the nominee desperately needs 84 days out from the election.

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said initial evidence suggests the shooting of a black man by police in Milwaukee was justified. When people started saying he was temperamentally unfit, he called Hillary the same.

To put these new procedures in place, Trump said the country will have to temporarily suspend immigration from some of the most risky and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.

“Who can have a problem with that?” Anyone who hates Jews or gays or preaches bigotry will be kept out, Trump said Monday.

Trump began his visit to the city with a meeting with local law enforcement officers at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center on Lake Michigan.


He cited objections to voters having to show identification at the polls and proving during registration that “you’re actually who you say you are”. Ken Salazar would chair her White House transition team.

Lance Radermacherc  o Lance Radermacher