
Donald Trump, Democratic Spy?

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, as recorded by, Trump has indeed made a considerable number of political donations in the hopes of having politicians dance to his tune. I’d say the two winners were Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. The line, which he regularly uses in his stump speech, drew applause from the audience.


And as for Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “I will be her worst nightmare and have been”.

Walker went on to pledge he would send weapons to Ukraine, put forces on the eastern borders of Poland and the Baltic nations, and restore a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

What exactly would Clinton be doing on Thursday instead? But, unless they withdraw, the public’s attention may well be fragmented over too many candidates for them to find a truly promising candidate for president. Maybe next time Democrats will get their messaging in order.

Trump has turned this opening phase of the 2016 primaries into The Donald Trump Show. The people who call my office, waiting 15 years to come to the United States.

And he still refused to back down when told that an independent run would almost certainly hand the race over to Democrats and likely to another Clinton.

“We’re going to make a play for each and every one of those states”, Walker said. One of the Fox News entertainers gives you a clue when he reveals the Marco Rubio advantage: The GOP women like cherubic Marco, whose distinctive quality Thursday night is to bring Mexican druglord El Chapo into a conversation that had already included mentions of fat pigs and dogs as Trump’s favorite synonyms for women.

The campaign seemed most satisfied when Rubio doubled down on his position that abortions should be illegal even in cases of rape or incest.

“Now, for the first time, actually, a lot of people discovered last night that there is more than one woman running for president”, she said. It’s officeholder on American pioneers, he says, to implement movement laws by securing the outskirt. Nor is there any reason why they should trust him, given his chameleon-like changes in the past. He needed to get right on his brother’s Iraq war (he blamed Obama for the current mess), his family name, and Common Core (those federal standards for education that are poison to the base) – and he didn’t.

Donald Trump scares the GOP into letting the American people decide who their nominee will be. When challenged on his father’s and brother’s presidencies and his difficulties answering questions about them, he said, “Maybe the bar’s even higher for me. Dividing the country. Saying, creating a grievance kind of environment”.

“I don’t recognize those words”, he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“Republicans like Scott Walker and Jeb Bush are calling to defund Planned Parenthood, the country’s leading provider of reproductive healthcare”, Clinton said in the video.

See the “fire in his belly” now, Fox News? For those officers who don’t live up to the expected standards, there should be consequences “to show we treat everyone the same here in America”.

A small, but vocal, group gathered outside Slyman’s to protest Walker’s collective bargaining reforms in Wisconsin.


“It wasn’t just how I took on those political battles”. His positivity stood out in a solid two hours of negativity.

WJ images Hillary FBI