
Donald Trump Disinvited From RedState Gathering in Atlanta

Belittle Trump’s claim to be a truth-teller by arguing that self-promotion is the billionaire’s guiding philosophy.


In the book, Trump declared that, “All the women on “The Apprentice” flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously”.

Other Republicans hit Trump on Saturday. “I’m leading by double digits, so maybe I shouldn’t change”, he boasted.

Referring to Kelly’s questions, Trump told CNN in an interview late Friday, “There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”.

He disinvited Trump from the RedState Gathering, a conservative event featuring GOP presidential hopefuls this weekend in Atlanta.

“I apologize when I’m wrong, but I haven’t been wrong”, he declared, saying only “a deviant” would interpret his remark as a gynecological swipe.

“And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry”, Trump said.

MCCAMMON: But at least some of Trump’s supporters aren’t giving up.

Former tech executive Carly Fiorina, the only woman among the GOP contenders, took to Twitter: “Mr. Trump”.

But today on Morning Joe, Trump took issue with Kelly’s question about his often-misogynistic attitudes towards women, calling it unprofessional and “really unfair”. “When you think about it, when he is free-form, when he is uninterrupted and when he can do the flight of ideas, when he can go on his own and ramble – he’s entertaining, he’s sharp and he’s actually amusing”, Krauthammer said.

Trump has also said the same of men.

“I don’t think we should reward vulgarity”. He argued Bush’s comment was worse than a video recording of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney in which Romney said that 47 percent of voters were dependent on the government and would vote for President Barack Obama, no matter what, alienating voters.

However the Trump debate does not rank as the highest-rated debate in television history.

“I don’t know if that was what he was alluding to or not, I can’t see into his soul”, said RedState attendee Lyn Murphy.

This time, Trump is under fire for criticizing Fox anchor Megyn Kelly during and after a debate on Thursday night for candidates seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. “Do we want to win?”

Other candidates bemoaned the challenge of preaching their message when all their precious free TV time is spent being asked about Trump.

Ted Cruz is way ahead of the “also rans” and got there by reminding voters he will call out our enemies regardless of what Party they are in. “We’ll new be doing another campaign stop at another location”, the spokesman’s statement said.

“Rather than say something about the criticism, I’ll tell you there’s not a more professional, more savvy and more brilliant person in television today than Megyn Kelly“, Huckabee insisted. But you can’t do it to Trump. On Saturday, the lineup includes former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen.

“Everything is being placed in jeopardy by the antics of Mr. Trump, and we’re at a crossroads as a party”, Graham said. And in recent weeks, Bush has on several occasions differentiated Trump from his backers, whom he calls “good people“. “I don’t think anything“.

Trump was interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, CBS’ “Face the Nation”, ABC’s “This Week” and CNN’s ” State of the Union”.

Trump said he is considering skipping the next debate hosted by Fox News Channel, scheduled for December in Iowa, because he believes he was treated unfairly by the network’s moderators.


Which means Fox News chief Roger Ailes is probably sending Trump the greatest fruit basket he can possibly find.

Donald Trump blasts Kelly in Lemon interview