
Donald Trump dismisses Paul Ryan telling Republicans to follow their conscience

In his resignation letter to party officials, Jasser called Trump a “daily embarrassment to conservatism”. Tech companies backing the convention need to be “thinking hard about where they put their brand, and whether they want to align their brand with racism, hatred and misogyny”, she told Politico.


He drove that point home in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press that aired Sunday, saying that while “it would be nice if the Republicans stuck together” he is confident that he could “win either way”.

“I’m not sure I’ve ever been this disappointed”, Cecil Stinemetz, a delegate from Iowa, said after receiving a strongly worded email from party leaders. “He has endorsed me”.

Still, Republican leaders have to reconcile their unease with the fact that primary Republican voters opted for Trump. The email that Trump supporters received on Saturday indicates that the $10,000 they are requesting will be used to counter those commercials. “I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers”.

By comparison, four years earlier, Romney helped the RNC bring in $34 million and begin June 2012 with more than $60 million in available cash. “I mean, frankly, people have to contribute money, people have to endorse, people have to really come through”, he continued. The anti-Trump campaign can’t be a real thing, orchestrated by the candidate’s Republican detractors, and a made-up thing, imagined by the media. We really have to look at profiling. “We start pretty much after the convention, during and after”. Trump’s critics couldn’t figure out how to slow him down over the last 12 months, and there’s no reason to believe they’ll organize a credible convention challenge over the next month. Number one, they can’t do it legally. He won the delegates. The proposal could deny Trump the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination, but it appears to face long odds.

“I competed along with a lot of establishment people”. “I obviously won the primaries without them”. Unruh, who is leading the campaign, also said that nobody has any idea who is going to step in and be the nominee, but that they are not anxious about that. He told CBS Sunday the United States should “seriously” consider profiling American Muslims in order to find and stop terrorists.


What he says he can control, however, is making the campaign about ideas. “I hate the concept of profiling”. “I think because I’m a different kind of candidate, and, you know, Paul Ryan said that – I’m a different kind of a candidate”.

Donald Trump's response to the shootings in Orlando Fla. have earned him more criticism- and a rethink from some Republicans